Who can join?
- Know that any attempt to seek a “wasta" or interference regarding the selection process (admission, financial aid, exams) or any other intervention from any person or side will automatically lead to immediate disqualification.
- Be a Lebanese citizen, and cannot be a US dual citizen, US green card holder, or a US asylum seeker.
- Have attended a public or private high school in Lebanon for at least the last three years of your secondary education and expected to complete your baccalaureate during summer 2025. An exception is made for students who spent two years out of the three in a public and private school and one secondary year in a US Government education exchange program (such as YES). Documents proving participation in such programs need to be presented along with the application. Students who spent less than their last three years of schooling in Lebanon are not eligible unless their transfer to Lebanon was substantiated by death of the breadwinner, or official bankruptcy.
- Obtain a minimum of 13.5/20 on your official Lebanese Baccalaureate exam.
Applicants who attended Lebanese public schools must have earned at least a cumulative combined average of 13.5/20 in their first two years of secondary schooling (Grades 10 & 11).
- Applicants who attended Lebanese private schools must have earned at least a cumulative combined average of 15/20 in their first two years of secondary schooling (Grades 10 & 11).
- Demonstrate your financial need status by completing the Financial Aid Application.
- Obtain the minimum required scores on the tests and exams set by AUB.
- Demonstrate past and present performance of service and community activities.
- Not be registered at any university or have completed studies at any university.
- Register at AUB as a full-time student at all times.
- Not have a sibling who was/is enrolled under any USP program or any other U.S. funded undergraduate scholarship.
- If a student spent at least one of the three secondary years in a private school, then the student and his/her parents must contribute (pay) towards the tuition fees of the University they enroll in. Student and parent should pay a proportional amount to the average school tuition in grades 10, 11 and 12 even if the applicant is benefiting from any form of financial assistance. In other words, if the parent/ student was paying $3000 per year in grade 10, $2000 per year in grade 11 and $130 per year in grade 12, then the required parents' contribution to the tuition of the University under USP will be ($3000 + $2000 + $130) / 3 = $1,710 per year.
This contribution should be paid yearly for all academic programs including the preparatory year and is applicable to all selected students who spent at least one year in a private high school.
What does the scholarship cover?
If you are accepted, we will cover the following:
- Full tuition fees for the duration of your program including one preparatory year if needed
- Medical insurance
- Book allowance
- Student housing or transportation allowance. Please note that all those who shall be entitled to dorms are explicitly bound to clear rules and regulations. Dorms are segregated (dorms for girls - dorms for boys)
- A monthly stipend for nine to eleven months per year depending on the major
- Laptop
- Counseling services and psychosocial support as needed
- Support services shall be offered to women coming to live on campus, if and when needed
Programs offerred If you have a regular baccalaureate degree, you may apply to the following majors.
Please note that this scholarship covers studies at undergraduate level only. You may apply to three choices of majors only in order of preference.
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS)
- Agribusiness BS-AGBU
- Agriculture BS-AGSC
- Food Science & Management BS-FSMT
- Landscape Architecture BLA-LDAR
- Nutrition & Dietetics BS-NDCP
Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS)
- Applied Math BS-APPM
- Chemistry BS-CHEM (Pre-medical studies will not be covered by the scholarship)
- Computer Sciences BS-CMPS
- Economics BA-ECON
- Education/Elementary BA-EDU-EEDU
- Geology BS-GEOL
- Mathematics BA-MATS
- Petroleum Geosciences BS-PTGS
- Physics BS-PHYS
- Psychology BA-PSYC
- Mathematics BS-MATS
- Statistics BS-STAT
Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (MSFEA)
- Chemical Engineering BE-CHEN
- Civil Engineering BE-ECIV
- Computer and Communication Engineering BE-ECMP
- Electrical and Computer Engineering BE-EECE
- Industrial Engineering BE-INDE
- Mechanical Engineering BE-EMCH
Rafic Hariri School of Nursing (HSON)
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing BSN-NURS
Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS)
- Environmental Health
- Medical Laboratory Sciences BS-MLSP
- Medical Imaging Sciences BS-MIMG
Suliman S. Olayan School of Business (OSB)
- Business Administration BBA-BUADM
How to apply?
To apply:
- Fill out and submit the online application for Admission and Financial Aid with the required documents prior to March 3, 2025. Incomplete applications with missing supporting documents will not be processed. Applications will open on December 2, 2024.
- Attach two recent passport-size colored photos taken within the past six months.
- Attach a clear photocopy of your identity card or individual civil record.
- Upload your high school grades (for Grades 10 and 11) with the application. Later on, you must submit your official high school grades of the last three years in a sealed and stamped envelope and send it by post or by hand to the AUB Admissions Office.
- Upload all financial aid required documents specified in the application.
- Send a certified copy of the official Lebanese baccalaureate or official technical Lebanese baccalaureate when available.
- After uploading all your supporting documents, you need to send the documents that are required as “original copy" via Liban Post or by hand to AUB Admissions Office IF SHORTLISTED.
Required exams
- If you are shortlisted, the AUB admissions team will contact you and give you the details regarding the English Entrance Exam (EEE), Math Readiness Test (MRT), leadership interview, as well as financial interview.
- Please note that failure to attend scheduled exams or interviews will result in withdrawal from the program even if shortlisted.
- The IDs of the shortlisted applicants who are invited to EEE, MRT and interviews will also be posted on this website; if your ID is not posted online, this means that your application was not successful.
Final Selection Percentage Distribution
Composite Test Scores
| 60% |
Financial Need | 30% |
Leadership Interview | 10% |
The application may be accessed at: https://join.aub.edu.lb/apply/
It is advisable to submit the requested original documents in person. Please submit these documents in person or through an immediate family member. It is important to note that original documents sent via Liban Post might take up to 10 working days to be submitted. Thus, make sure to send your requested original documents via Liban Post early IF SHORTLISTED.
The EEE and the MRT is administered by AUB for shortlisted students. Details will be communicated to selected students by AUB admissions. The test preparation material may be downloaded at admissions.aub.edu.lb. You should start preparing for the exams in case you are shortlisted.
The IDs of the shortlisted students who are invited to exams or interviews will be posted at www.aub.edu.lb/hes; if your ID number is not posted online, this means that your application was not successful. Applicants can track their application by using these sites. The admission office at AUB will contact you directly to inform you about exams and interviews. Failure to attend scheduled exams or interviews will result in withdrawal from the program even if shortlisted.
To learn more about USAID you may visit their website at: www.usaid.gov/lebanon and visit the facebook page at: www.facebook.com/usaidlebanon
Please note that if you are selected for this scholarship, you must be ready to enroll at the beginning of August 2025.