The U.S. - Middle East Partnership Initiative Tomorrow's Leaders Graduate (MEPI-TLG) Programs at American University of Beirut (AUB), American University in Cairo (AUC) and Lebanese American University (LAU) will be hosting their second annual MEPI-TLG Conference at AUB
This year's conference theme is Achieving UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through Theoretical and Empirical Studies
Forty MEPI-TLG students from AUB, AUC and LAU are asked to contribute a ten to fifteen minute oral presentation of their research, and/or their academic reflections on internship and group civic engagement activities, as well as future research interests.
The TLG program is characterized by a rich variety of research fields, which will make the conference a rich multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary hub where AUB, AUC and LAU TLG students will widen their scope of knowledge and research interests.
Date & Time
Friday, June 3rd ,2022 | 8:30AM till 5:30PM
Saturday, June 4th, 2022 | 9:00AM till 1:30PM
Masri Building, AUB Lower Campus, ELH Auditorium
Keynote Speaker
Rachel Dore-Weeks is the head of UN Women in Lebanon. From 2018-19, she served as UN Women's Deputy Regional Director for Arab States ai, and from 2016-18, as UN Women's Regional Advisor on Peace, Security and Humanitarian Action for the Arab States, a role in which she worked closely with the League of Arab States, regional actors, Special Envoy teams.
Rachel has worked for UN Women for 11 years, in addition to DPPA, UNRWA and human rights NGOs, and has worked on issues of peace and security for 16 years, including in Afghanistan, Rwanda, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt (regional) and now Lebanon. In 2010 she served on the drafting team of the Secretary General's 2010 Report on Women's Participation in Peacebuilding (A/65/354–S/2010/466).