American University of Beirut

46 STREETS: AUB’s Imprint on the Streets of Beirut


46 Streets: AUB’s imprint on the Streets of Beirut” identified and located 46 streets of Beirut that carry AUB-related names to emphasize the shared history of the university and the city. A few streets, like Bliss Street, are obvious examples, but most other streets, like Salwa Nassar Street, Constantine Zurayk Street, or even American University Street are not well known streets, though the names they carry are. As such, the goal of this project is to bring awareness to the connections between people and place through the actual names of Beirut’s streets and to those in whose honor they are named.

This project also includes a plan to create a mapped walking/story telling tour of Ras Beirut and a proposition to the Municipality to update street signage.

For more information: Maria Bashshur Abunnasr, Project leader.

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