American University of Beirut

Equivalencies and Authentications


    Freshman Requirements and Equivalence

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​All students joining the Freshman Program, regardless of their nationality, are required to complete the minimum total of 30 credits to secure the Lebanese Baccalaureate II Equivalence from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE). Students will not be entitled to promotion to the Sophomore class until they have submitted the equivalence document. 

    For more information please read the ​Admissions Office section​ in the AUB catalogue​

    As per the MEHE directives, AUB will submit your application for freshman equivalence on your behalf. Please follow the below steps accordingly:

    Check the list of documents to be prepared which is included in the MEHE ​application form for freshman.

    • Complete the application form​
    • Request the following documents  from AUB by following this link (select mode of delivery as pick up NOT PDF):
      • Official transcript of grad​​es
      • Certificate in Arabic for completion of 30 credit hours in freshman requirements.
      • Freshman clearance statement. ​
    • ​​​​​​​Add to the AUB requested documents the below documents:
      • Exemption from the Lebanese Program/permission to do freshman (true copy of the original document).
      • Copy of high school certificate.
      • School certificate of completion of grades after receiving the exemption from the Lebanese Program certified by the Regional Educational Office. 
      • SAT score.
      • Copy of your passport (for Lebanese Passport holders, you are also requested to provide a copy of your National ID)​.​ Make sure to bring your pasport/ID with you to the window of the Office of the Registrar for verification purposes. 
      • Stamp equivalent to 20,000 LBP.
    ​​All documents are to be compiled by the student and submitted to the window of the Office of the Registrar, on weekdays between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. 

    A representative from AUB will submit your completed file on your behalf to the MEHE and receive the freshman equivalence RECEIPT on your behalf. A staff member from the Office of the Registrar will contact you back to collect your receipt and inform you of your scheduled appointment at the MEHE to go collect your equivalence. Once collected you MUST submit a certified copy to the Office of the Registrar. 

    AUB is not responsible for the MEHE decision of your freshman equivalence approval or rejection. 

    USA Degree Authentication

    To authenticate your AUB degree, follow the below steps:

    • Send an email request to Amideast/Lebanon at stating that you need to authenticate your AUB degree.
    • Amideast will reply providing you with the application form, steps, and cost and mode of payment.
    • You will be required to order​:
      • ​your official transcript (make sure it is in a sealed envelope) and
      •  a special certificate that indicates the “Mode of Instruction of the courses – Type of Study (if online or in person)"

    from the Office of the Registrar. Select the pickup mode of delivery.

    You can pick up your documents in person and deliver them to Amideast, Beirut Central District, Bazerkan Building, First Floor, Nijmeh Square, Next to Parliament or arrange with courier service to pick it up and deliver it on your behalf.

    • The process usually takes normally 8-10 weeks to be completed.
    • After you receive your authenticated documents from Amideast, you will need to authenticate them at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Lebanon so that the documents are ready to use.

    For further details about the Authentication process of U.S. degrees, please contact Amideast/Lebanon at 01-989901 ext. 162, send an email to, or visit the Amideast website.

    Apostilled degrees

    If you are a student in need of an apostilled degree, follow the steps below:

    • Request an authenticated degree copy and an official transcript from AUB through this link.​ Both documents are requied by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education for the​ attestaion process. 
    • Authentication by relevant authorities:

    ​Once you have received the authenticated degree copy from AUB, you must proceed with the authentication process carried out by the following authorities:

      1. Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
      2. Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants.
      3. Embassy of the country of destination in Lebanon.

    By following the above process, you can ensure that your degree is apostilled properly, facilitating its recognition and acceptance abroad. 

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