American University of Beirut

Department of Economics

Neaime, Simon E.
Professor Emeritus:Makdisi, Samir
Professor:Neaime, Simon E.
Associate Professors:Salti, Nisreen I.
Assistant Professors:Abboud, Ali; Tuncay, Muhammed Alparslan; Yamout, Nadine
Lecturers:Bou Nassar, Makram; Ramadan, Usamah H. 
Instructors:El Baba, Nora; Hamdan, Dana; Kanaan, Maya Z.; Makki, Ghina; Makki, Malak, Z.; Nader, Pamela; Rbeiz, Sylvia; Sabra, Raja

BA in Economics

Mission St​​​atement

The undergraduate program in Economics is a rigorous quantitative program which enhances students’ analytical skills and critical thinking. In addition to broader economic concepts, the understanding of economic issues pertaining to the Middle East and North Africa region is given special attention. The department is committed to a liberal arts philosophy and the development of leadership skills in the field of economics. The Program develops its students’ professional competencies and responsible citizenship skills, and prepares them for a variety of careers in economic research, financial economics, and banking.

Degree Req​uirements

The requirements for a BA degree in Economics are 90 credits for students entering the department at the sophomore level. Students accepted in economics must attain an average of 2.3 or above in major courses during the first three terms in order to remain in the program. The distribution of these courses is as follows:

University General​​ Education Requirements

The General Education requirements are Understanding Communication - English (6 credits), Understanding Communication - Arabic (3 credits), Cultures and Histories (9 credits), Human Values (3 credits), Societies and Individuals (6 credits), Understanding the World and Quantitative Reasoning (9 credits with at least 3 credits from each), and Community Engaged Learning (3 credits).

At least one of the courses from Cultures and Histories or Human Values should be from the History of Ideas: CHLA. At least one course from your degree requirements (except Understanding Communication) should cover the theme of Social Inequalities (3 credits).

Major Require​​ments

  • Major Courses: 36 credits of Economics courses including 21 credits as required courses (ECON 211, ECON 212, ECON 213 (or STAT 230), ECON 214, ECON 215, ECON 217, ECON 227), and 15 credits as elective economics courses​​
  • Required courses from outside the department: 12 credits including MATH 201, MATH 202, MATH 218 (or MATH 219), and ACCT 210
  • Electives from outside the department: 6 credits of free electives. Students majoring in Economics are restricted from taking MATH 203 and MATH 204 as a free elective.

Transfers from other programs to a major in economics require an overall average of 3.0 or more; a minimum grade of B in each of ECON 211 and ECON 212; a minimum grade of C+ in ENGL 203; and a minimum cumulative average of 2.3 in MATH 201 and MATH 202.

Economics majors whose economics average falls below 2.3 in their first two terms in the major will be placed on departmental probation. Majors who have an average below 2.3 in their economics courses at the end of their third regular term in the major will be dropped from the major.

Minor Requir​​ements

The minor program in economics requires 15 credits: ECON 211, ECON 212, one of ECON 214 or ECON 239 or ECON 243, at least one of ECON 217 or ECON 227, and one elective other than ECON 213 chosen from the available offerings, provided their prerequisite (or equivalent) has been satisfied.

Course Descriptions

36 Credits in E​conomics (21 + 15)

Modes of Analysis

Understanding Communication - English and Arabic (9) Cultures and Histories (9), Human Values (3) Economics and Societies and Individuals (21+15+3+3) Understanding the World (6), Quantitative Reasoning (9) Community-Engaged Learning (3)

Lecture courses


Required Arabiccourse (3)

Required English courses: ENGL 203(3), 204(3)

Required credits in the Cultures and Histories: 9 credits  including History of Ideas and 3 credits Human Values

Required economics courses (18): ECON 211(3), 212(3), 213(3), 214(3) [P213], 215, [P214], 217(3) [P211, 212], 227(3) [P211, 212]

Five elective economics courses from the following and/or seminar courses (15): ECON [P214] 218(3) [P217] 219(3) [P214, P227], 221(3) [P217, P227], 222(3) [P217] 223(3) [P221, P212], 226(3) [P217], 228(3) [P227],230(3) [P211, P212], 232(3) [P227] 235(3) [P217], 236(3) [P217, P227], 237(3) [P217], 239(3) [P217], 240(3) [P227], 241(3) [P217], 242(3) [P217], 243(3) [P217], 290(3) and 295(3).

Required business course (3): ACCT 210(3)

One Societies and Individuals course must be an approved General Education course from outside the major

Understanding the World electives (6)

Required mathematics courses: MATH 201(3), 202(3) [P201], 218(3) or 219(3) and CMPS 209 or CMPS 201 (3) or CMPS 203

Required (3)
Laboratory (0)     
Research project (0)    

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