American University of Beirut



1.       Who is eligible for counseling services?

Degree-seeking students enrolled in AUB are eligible for the free service offered by the Counseling Center.​ Not applicable for staff, faculty, or alumni.

2.       In what ways can counseling help me?

Counseling helps you discover more about yourself, your experiences, goals, and problems.  Counseling is tailored on a personal basis, as a result, the counselor modifies the sessions in ways that help suit your needs.  Counseling can help you learn how to cope in a healthy manner, identify your way of thinking, and effective problem-solving.​

3.       How do I know I need counseling?

·       Difficulty concentrating and lack of motivation to perform minimal daily tasks

·       Social isolation and spending too much time alone with minimal productivity

·       Feeling anxious, unhappy, angry, sad, irritable, and/or hopeless

·       Problems with sleep cycle (disrupted cycles, insomnia, or hypersomnia)

·       Unusual eating habits 

·       Communication difficulties

·       Addiction

·       Dealing with a traumatic event

·       Identity and Sexual Identity​

4.       If I have a learning difficulty and I am in need of certain accommodation, where should I seek help?

For matters pertaining to academic accommodation please contact the Accessible Education Office   (, Extension: 3151 ) located in West Hall – 3rd floor, Room 338.

 5.       How long does counseling take?

The Counseling Center adheres to a short-term therapy model with the focus on helping students resolve or manage immediate and specific concerns.

We typically offer 8 sessions per academic year to help students improve coping skills, better manage distress, and meet near-term personal goals.

Since challenges vary from student to student, the length of short-term therapy also varies; it is based on goals set by the counselor and student, as well as an ongoing clinical assessment of the effectiveness of treatment.

If students' goals do not fit within a short-term model, or, if their treatment goals are not sufficiently managed in a short-term model, we can work to get a community referral for treatment.

We also encourage all students to follow up with the “counseling homework" generated in counseling sessions. Homework may include keeping a journal, daily practice of relaxation skills, or trackingself-care routines. 

6.       Are sessions confidential?

Counseling is independent of college or medical records. Counselors will not disclose any information without the students' consent except when legally obligated.
Please refer to the confidentiality policy for more information. 

7.       What are the center's services?

For Peer Counseling: Click Here

For Group Counseling: Click Here​

For Individual Counseling:  Click Here

8.       How to Schedule an appointment?

Appointments are scheduled through the ONLINE BOOKING CALENDAR.

9.       Do I have to wait  a long time to benefit from a service?

The Counseling Center at AUB is for free and easily accessible; as a result, it attracts a high number of students. This makes it difficult to attend to all needs without a waiting period. Please expect a waiting time of two to three weeks. Kindly, keep in mind that the Counseling Center is doing its best to meet the needs of all who seek help, while making sure it maintains the quality of the service offered.​

10.   How long is a counseling session?

=Sessions are a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 45 minutes. 

11.   What if I have an emergency? Do I still need to schedule an appointment?

No, in case of an emergency you need to come to the Counseling Center for a crisis intervention and explain to the Counselor present that the issue at hand cannot wait. ​

12.   If I am worried about a friend's situation, can I ask the Counseling Center for assistance?

 Yes, the Counseling Center is here to help with any concern you might have. If you are worried about someone's behavior, emotional status, social interactions, or anything unusual please feel free to contact us.  

The Counseling Center is located in West Hallsecond floor, room 210. Our contact information: extension​​

13.  Whom should I seek for career related enquiries?

 For drafting resumes and cover letters, searching for jobs, and preparing for job interviews, please book an appointment with the Career HubONLINE BOOKING CALENDAR.

14.   May I seek the Counseling center for academic assignments and projects?

For requests of academic nature such as assignments or projects, please direct your inquiries to the appropriate academic resources available within the university. We are a dedicated service provider and our missions is primarily focused on offering psychological support to our students​.

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