AUB students have the right to
- an equal opportunity to learn- students with disabilities have the right to request reasonable accommodations
- respectful treatment by all community members and
- reasonable confidentiality of information in relation to their disability
AUB students have the responsibility to
- achieve and maintain a satisfactory academic standard, regularly attend classes, manage their time, submit assignments, and regularly communicate with faculty members and AEO when needed;
- disclose their disability to the university by applying and registering with the AEO early in the semester;
- provide the required documentation to support their request for accommodations;
- communicate the need to renew the letter of accommodation to the AEO every semester;
- discuss their letter of accommodations and its applicability in every course, once issued, with each professor;
- regularly check their AUB emails for any messages or notices from the AEO;
- contact the AEO immediately in case of any issues related to the letter of accommodations;
- meet course requirements and standards as set on the course syllabus;
- meet AEO deadlines and
- treat all community members respectfully.
AUB faculty members have the right to
- seek further clarifications regarding any particular accommodation,
- fail any student who has not successfully passed the course or met the course requirements;
- determine the course content and outcomes, teaching methods, grading criteria and
- assess and grade students equally and fairly if reasonable accommodations have been applied.
AUB faculty members have the responsibility to
- accommodate students with disabilities by ensuring the application of the reasonable accommodations enlisted in the letters of accommodations;
- treat students in a non-discriminatory manner;
- maintain student confidentiality;
- create a comfortable environment for the student within the classroom community and
- refer students to the AEO if they observe learning difficulties of any kind.
The Accessible Education Office has the right to
- request, receive, and evaluate the submitted documentation supporting students' requests for accommodations;
- determine the adequacy of the submitted documentation;
- deny a request for accommodations or academic adjustment in case the documentation is considered incomplete or inappropriate and
- determine the effective and appropriate accommodations or course adjustments or services, in light of the submitted documentation and student needs.
The Accessible Education Office has the responsibility to
- maintain appropriate confidentiality of documents and records except when disclosure is required by the law;
- provide reasonable accommodations, suggest course adjustments and/or auxiliary aids and services for students with disabilities in their educational programs and journey and
- communicate students' letters of accommodations with relevant faculty members every semester.