Squash Court Rules
- Only white non-marking bottom tennis shoes, sneakers, and sportswear are permitted on the squash courts. Outdoor footwear is not permitted on any indoor court surface.
- The fitness specialist must be physically present around the fitness areas or squash courts when there are individuals using the facility.
- Food and gum are not permitted on the squash courts at any time.
- No more than four individuals may be on the courts at one time.
- A limit of one hour per group shall be the rule of order for each court when there are other individuals signed-in and waiting to use the courts. For clarification, whether there is one or four people using a court for the hour in question, it is still just one hour before all four patrons must relinquish the court to the next group of waiting patrons, and not four people, four hours.
- Use of the squash courts shall be on a “first come-first serve” basis, with advance court reservations allowed. The reception desk attendant in the fitness/squash court area shall monitor the court use and sign-in process and resolve any problems in consultation with the fitness specialist as necessary.
- Call Ext. 3208 to reserve or you may come in person to the fitness desk and do the reservation. Reservation is done within the same week defined from Monday to Sunday. Reservation for next week is done starting from early Monday of that week.
If an activity is not scheduled in the facility, it is available for recreational use with the same opening hours as the CHSC Fitness Building opening hours.