During the tumultuous years of the Lebanese civil war, 25 exceptionally enthusiastic undergraduate agricultural students spent seven months in 1978 at the AUB farm (AREC) in the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon for hands-on training in farming. This life-changing experience not only created solid and enduring friendships and inspired many to pursue careers in fields such as agricultural science, rural livelihoods, environmental sustainability, social justice, and nutrition and food security, but was also the impetus for the establishment of a modest scholarship fund in 1980 “to support agriculture students who demonstrate financial need and appreciate and participate in farm life during their stay at the AUB farm.”
This fund is now an endowment that has provided 25 partial scholarships to deserving agriculture undergraduates whose careers have had a positive impact on the country and improved the lives of countless people.
The core group of AREC ’78 and Friends whose contributions brought the endowment’s current value to $75,000 were on track to reach the agreed upon goal of $100,000 by 2023. Due to the current global crises, however, and the financial constraints experienced by many of us, we need your help to achieve our goal.
Please consider making a contribution of any amount to the AREC '78 and Friends Endowed Scholarship Fund. Your investment will support our continued effort to help worthy AUB undergraduates complete their degrees and, in turn, help sustain the agricultural and food sectors in Lebanon and the region.
More than ever, Lebanon and the region need FAFS graduates – experts who can help farmers and communities adjust to drier, harsher environments and address climate change and food insecurity.
Thank you for your support!
- For online donations originating from:
- For electronic bank transfers outside Lebanon, please use CITI Fresh Dollar account information below:
Bank Name: JP Morgan Chase, NA
Bank Address: 4 Chase MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11245
Account Name: American University of Beirut
Routing Number: 021000021
Account Number: 005-022622
Designation: AREC '78 and Friends Endowed Scholarship Fund
In order to facilitate transfers within Lebanon, please contact us on devrepb@aub.edu.lb
- For check donations please make checks payable to AREC '78 and Friends Endowed Scholarship Fund and mail to:
Office of Development American University of Beirut 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 8th Floor New York, NY 10017
| Office of Development American University of Beirut Bliss Street, P O Box 11-0236 Beirut, Lebanon