The explosion in the Beirut port on August 4, 2020 wreaked terrible destruction in the city and was felt more than 200 kilometers away. More than 200 children, women, and men lost their lives, 6,000 people were injured, 300,000 people are homeless, dozens of buildings were pulverized, and thousands of other structures were badly damaged.
Doctors, nurses, and medical staff treated more than 500 people at our medical center (AUBMC) within 24 hours of the explosion. In the weeks since then – and for many months to come – AUB will be helping to care for the people.
We sent a fundraising appeal for the AUB4Beirut Disaster Response on August 13, 2020 seeking support for AUBMC, community initiatives, and needs on campus (student scholarships and building repairs). You will find a list of specific AUB4Beirut Disaster Response funds below.
We have received extraordinary support from alumni and friends around the world who want to support Beirut and AUB – and encourage others to help as well. You can read stories about some of these initiatives here.
For more information about the AUB4Beirut Disaster Response, email
Thank you for your support.