American University of Beirut

AUB celebrates the dedication of the Ramez S. Rizk Conference Room

​​On Monday February 18, 2015, AUB celebrated the dedication of the Ramez S. Rizk Conference Room in presence of the family and friends of the late Ramez Rizk, AUB President Peter Dorman, FEA Acting Dean Fadl Moukalled, and members of FEA.

 After the symbolic cutting of the ribbon, President Dorman said that “True to AUB’s motto That they may have life and have it more abundantly, Ramez Rizk lived a full and enriching life.”  President Dorman added that the late Ramez Rizk “was a successful entrepreneur and a discerning businessman, but he also recognized the importance of giving back to the communities and institutions that helped him along his own path“. 

 Acting Dean Fadl Moukalled said “the Ramez S. Rizk Conference Room will serve the educational mission of the Faculty and the University by creating an environment that stimulates research and education.”  Located in the newly renovated 5th floor of Bechtel, the Ramez S. Rizk Conference Room is equipped with a state-of-the-art audiovisual system and a digital delegation system that allows for organized discussions.

 Mrs. Gilberte Rizk thanked the AUB community for the chance to honor the life and legacy of her late husband.

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