An anonymous donor has chosen to leave $1 million to AUB in honor of her late husband who was an alumnus of AUB. In fact, both her late husband and his father earned their undergraduate and MD degrees at AUB. Although she did not attend AUB herself, the university was, she says, “a family tradition." She has been a loyal donor to her late husband's alma mater for many years and has chosen to leave her bequest to augment an endowed scholarship fund for medical students in his name. This donor has also included AUB in her will to honor her family's deep and abiding connection to the university and also because “I can think of nothing more important [that] I can do at this moment in history than to give tangible and useful expression of my confidence in the people and an institution that have lived through many crises in the past—and are continuing to provide positive leadership and hope in the present and for the future."