American University of Beirut

Towards a Post-Flexnerian Revolution

 Author: Thalia Arawi​

 Language: English 
 Subject: Philosophy
 Publication Date: 2020
 Number of Pages: 160

 Format: Print, 1st edition
 ISBN: 9789953586410
 Price: ​$20

 Format: Print, 2nd edition TBA

 Format: eBook
 ISBN- Amazon: 9789953586380
 ISBN- Neelwafurat: 9789953586618
 Price: $10


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Presenting a much-needed reminder that the medical profession is intrinsically a moral venture, this book calls on the broader medical community to recognize and remedy flaws in the moral education of its medical school graduates. It contends that many physicians have lost touch with the importance of interpersonal skills and ethics in their trea​tment of patients. 

Using case studies from the US and Lebanon, the author, Dr. Thalia Arawi, a bioethicist at the American University of Beirut Medical Center and founding director of its bioethics and professionalism program, proposes a way forward to shape the medical education curriculum in order to better ensure that medical schools are graduating virtuous physicians whose interpersonal and ethical skills are as strong as their other medical skills.

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