American University of Beirut

CIMPA 2025: L-functions and Modular Forms in Number Theory

​​​​The relation between modular forms and their corresponding L-functions with various disciplines of mathematics has undergone significant evolution in the past century due to the critical role these complex analytical functions play in resolving essential problems and conjectures. The connection of modular forms and their L-functions with number theory, elliptic curves, representation theory, and algebraic geometry, among others, have resulted in diverse generalizations in different directions.  The primary objective of the summer school is to acquaint graduate students in Lebanon and other regions with different types of modular forms and their practical applications.

The school is designed to be spread over two weeks, with the first week serving as an introduction to basic concepts and the second week focusing on advanced and contemporary developments. In addition to the mini-courses, the program includes a programming tutorial intended to provide students with opportunities to interact directly with the computational aspect of the theory.

June 2 – 13, 2025


Administrative and Scientific Coordinators

  • Wissam Raji (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
  • Kathrin Bringmann (University of Cologne, Germany)


Scientific Committee

  • YoungJu Choie (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
  • Wissam Raji (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
  • Alia Hamieh (University of Northern British Columbia, Canada)
  • Kamal Khuri Makdisi (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
  • Ahmad El-Guindy (Cairo University, Egypt)
  • Winfried Kohnen (Universitat Heidelberg, Germany)



  • Course 1: "Algebraic number theory through examples ", Ahmad El Guindy (Cairo University, Egypt)
  • Course 2: "Introduction to Modular Forms", Ozlem Imamoglu (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Course 3: "An Introduction to the Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function and Dirichlet L-functions", Fatma Cicek  (University of Northern British Columbia/Pacific Institute of the Mathematical Sciences, Canada)
  • Course 4: "L-Series in Number Theory", Nikolaos Diamantis (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom)
  • Course 5: "An Introduction to Siegel Modular Forms", Winfried Kohnen (Universitat Heidelberg, Germany)
  • Course 6: "Partitions, Modularity, and Polynomials", Larry Rolen (Vanderbilt University, USA)
  • Course 7: “A Crash Course on Hilber Modular Forms", Alia Hamieh (University of Northern British Columbia, Canada)​
  • Course 8: ​"Linear Algebra over Z and Lattices", Kamal Khuri-Makdisi (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)​

For registration and participation, please access the following link.

Deadline for registration: March 2, 2025​

CIMPA's webpage: L-functions and Modular Forms in Number Theory | CIMPA​​

Courses are delivered in English.


Number Theory Foundation (NTF)              International Mathematical Union (IMU)​


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