American University of Beirut

Number Theory Research Unit

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Number Theory Research Unit (NTRU) brings together AUB number theorists, their students, and collaborators with the aim of strengthening research and teaching in number theory, and fostering regional collaborations at the service of the field. The unit is established under the Center for Advanced Mathematical Sciences (CAMS) at the American University of Beirut, with founding members who between them have benefited from CAMS support for more than two decades now, advancing the Center's mission through international collaborations and associated activities​, all the while rooting their respective research programs at AUB.

NTRU will focus on current research topics in number theory and modular forms. Unit members will host specialists in their respective research areas, organizing extended thematic programs, workshops and international conferences. Number theorists in the region will be invited to join the Unit's efforts, stimulating interest in number theory in general and sustaining focused research in fields of mutual interest. The Unit will partner with international programs to strengthen its local projects, expand its network of associated scholars, and work to secure extramural funds for collaborative projects. In due course, the Unit will, in collaboration with CAMS, announce openings for postdoctoral positions.


​​​​​​Founding Members

External Members

  • Ahmad El Guindy​, Assistant ​Professor, Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, Qatar​
  • Alia Hamieh​, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Northern British Columbia , Canada
  • Ghaith Hiary​, ​​Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University, USA

Select Publications

NTRU Associates​

NTRU Associates are distinguished number theorists who have generously accepted to join the unit in an advisory capacity, helping Unit members (and CAMS along with them) fulfill the strategic objectives of the Unit, as they catalyze collaborative and funding opportunities within their international network. Profiles of current associates can be accessed via the links below:​​​​

  • Ken Ono, Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, USA
  • Nikos Diamantis​, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Ozlem Imamoglu, Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich, CH
  • Michel Waldschmidt, Department of Mathematics, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), FR
  • YoungJu Choie, Department of Mathematics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, ROK


Upcoming Events 

Previous Events

  • Nikolaos Diamantis  (The University of Nottingham, UK) 
    • Title: "L-series of weakly holomorphic forms and their values"                 
    • Date and time: December 5, 2022 at 6:00pm (Beirut time)​​

  • ​​​​​William Duke (University of California Los Angeles UCLA, USA) - [Po​ster​​]​
    • Title: "The Representation of Integeres by Quadratic Forms"                 
    • ​Date and time: November 21, 2022 at 4:00pm (Beirut time)
    • Venue: College Hall, Auditorium B1​
    • Recorded Lecture:

  • ​​​​​Alvaro Lozano-Robledo (University of Connecticut, USA) - [Poster​]​
    • Title: "From Diophantus to Bitcoin: Why Are Elliptic Curves Everywhere?"                 
    • ​Date and time: November 1, 2022 at ​6:00pm (Beirut time)
    • Recorded Lecture:

  • Ghaith Hiary (The Ohio State University, USA): Mini-course on "The Riemann Zeta Function: Conjectures and Computations" - [Poster​]
    • Date and time: ​​October 18, 19 and 20, 2022 (4:00pm - 5:00pm), College Hall, Auditorium B1
    • ​​​​​Lecture I recording: Link
    • Lecture II recording: Link
    • Lecture III recording: Link

  • Ghaith Hiary (Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University) - [Poster​​]​
    • Title: "How to Verify the Riemann Hypothesis for the First 1,000 Zeta Zeros"                 
    • ​Date and time: April 12, 2022 at 4:00pm (Beirut time)​
    • Recorded Lecture:

  • Kathrin Bringmann (Department of Mathematics, University of Cologne) - [Poster​​]​
    • Title: "Aysmptotic Properties of Modular Type Properties"                 
    • ​​Date and time: April 1, 2022 at 4:00pm (Beirut time)

  • Michel Waldschmidt (Department of Mathematics, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6))
    • ​TItle: Transcendental Number Theory: Recent Results and Open Problem​s
    • ​Date and time: January 18, 2022
    • ​​Recorded Lecture​:​​

  • ​​​​Ken Ono (Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia) - [Poster​]​
    • Title: "What is the Riemann Hypothesis and Why Does It Matter?"                 
    • ​Date and time: October 14, 2021 at ​6:00pm (Beirut time)
    • Recorded Lecture​:​

Mathematics Summer Research Camp - June & July 2022
  • Undergraduate Students: Ali Saraeb and Maher Memneh
  • Published papers:
  1. A New Proof of the Transformation laws of Jacobi Theta Functions. (Link)
  2. Generalization of Siegel's Method to Jacobi's theta_1 and theta_3. (Link)
  3. ​A Generalization of Iseki's Formula and the Transformation Law of\theta_1 (z,\tau). (Link​)

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