-Poster- -Program- -Titles and Abstracts-
Cutting through disciplines, our invited speakers will shed light on glass from multiple, often complementary perspectives. An archeologist will review three thousand years of glass making, an art historian a thousand years of stained glass from the Romanesque period to the present. An architect considers light through glass as science and poetry; a physicist grapples with dislocations, and with them glass relaxing, flowing. A historian of science and a chemist report jointly on the deciphering of ancient texts with a kiln at hand; a computational materials scientist simulates the deformation, the fracture of glass. Guided by a visual artist, we follow the primal energy of a glass making workshop feeding the fancy of contemporary artists; then conclude as we must with a critical theorist questioning “the very idea of a medium that transposes an immediacy beyond mediation”. Part hall of mirrors, part kaleidoscope, and you the listener, the virtual glass maker, assembling a mosaic as you probe the heart of the matter, the probe the heart of the matter, the
heart of glass.
- Thilo Rehren (A.G. Leventis Professor for Archaeological Sciences, Director of the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center, The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus)
- Antoine Chaaya (Partner/Director, Renzo Piano Building Workshop, France)
[Moderated by: George Arbid, Founding member and director of the Arab Center for Architecture in Beirut]
- Andrea Liu (Hepburn Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, USA)
- Koen Vanderstukken (Professor, Studio head of the glass department, Sheridan College and Series consultant for Netflix series "Blown Away", Canada)
- Marya Kazoun (Visual Artist, New York-Venice)
- George Saliba (Professor at the Department of History and Archeology, Jabre Khwarizmi chair in Arabic Science and Philosophy, Director of Farouk Jabre Center for Arabic & Islamic Science and Philosophy, American University of Beirut, Lebanon) and Ahmad Hellani (Department of Chemistry, American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
- Mu’tasem Shehaddeh (Department of Mechanical Engineering, American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
- Nadia Bou Ali (Civilization Studies Program, American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
American University of Beirut
- Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- Farouk Jabre Center for Arabic and Islamic Science and Philosophy
- Department of History and Archeology
- Department of Physics
- Center for Advanced Mathematical Sciences
Trier University
- Institute of Archaeology