In the aftermath of the July 2006 War, a new milestone was added to AUB’s mission for engagement in times of crisis. A remarkable momentum to volunteer-for-relief among students, faculty and staff founded a calling that led to a university wide Task Force for Reconstruction, and in 2008 after two years of sporadic efforts, the Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service (CCECS) was established. CCECS’s operations exponentially evolved when Lebanon was hit by the record-setting blizzard Alexa in 2013, a storm of unprecedented strength, where dozens of refugees froze to death in their tented settlements. Immediately after, AUB volunteers stepped forward and initiated a clothes donation drive which developed into a multiyear intervention that integrates livelihoods, education, and psychosocial services to refugees undergoing protracted crises. Lastly, the Beirut Port blast on August 4, 2020, consolidated the Center’s position as a Frontline Respondent to further enhance the University’s impact, effectively promote civic engagement, and empower students as change makers.