American University of Beirut

Teacher Professional Development Course

Course Description

This 35-hour, six-module course provides a condensed introduction to core knowledge and skills needed for all K-12 teachers of all subjects. The course, offered by fulltime faculty members at AUB's Department of Education, is designed primarily for practicing teachers with no prior formal teacher training. It covers important contemporary ideas in child development and learning theories; planning for effective student-centered instruction and assessment, including the effective use of ICT tools; and knowledge and skills needed to support students with special learning needs in the regular classroom. In addition, participants are introduced to leadership strategies for sustainable innovation and includes one-on-one field-based teacher supervision by course instructors. Successful completion of the course allows participants to request exemption from 3 credits of the 21 credits required to complete a diploma at AUB's Department of Education.


To register for this course, applicants must have a bachelors degree; demonstrate English language competence based on prior formal schooling and/or academic degrees in English or evidence of having taught in English. Prior teaching experience is preferred. Typical participants would be currently employed teachers (and subject-matter supervisors) of any subject with no prior formal teacher training.


$1090 (at current AUB rate of 3900 LL/$) Application fee is NOT required

St​art Date: Saturday, September 11, 2021

Modules offered online or on AUB campus on Saturdays: 9 am – 2:30 pm

Application deadline: June 30, 2021

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course participants would be able to:

  • Design effective student-centered instruction, drawing on ICT tools as needed.
  • Create tests and tasks to objectively assess student learning and inform instruction
  • Identify and address the needs of students with special needs
  • Engage in a planning, teaching and reflection cycle for continuous improvement
  • Take on more leadership roles for sustainable school improvement

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Theories of child development and learning and their educational implications
  • Module 2: Use of ICT tools for effective student-centered instruction
  • Module 3: Planning, assessment and reflection
  • Module 4: Subject-specific teaching and learning
  • Module 5: Inclusion and teaching students with special learning needs. 
  • Module 6: Leading sustainable innovations
  • Field-based supervision: Each participant will receive two field visits by a course instructor to conduct classroom observations to be followed by reflection meetings.

Additional information:

  • Instruction will be delivered by full-time faculty members at AUB's Department of Education; different specialists will teach each module.
  • Modules will be conducted as interactive workshops, with participants asked to complete background readings in advance. The course will be delivered in hybrid format (face-to-face on AUB campus, online instruction and on-site supervision at participants' schools). [Note: specifics will depend on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lebanon.]
  • Performance on all modules and observed field-based instruction will be assessed and constructive feedback provided.

For more information contact:

Department of Education
+961 1 350000  Ext:  3060
Continuing Education Center

To complete an application go to:

Apply to CEC

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