American University of Beirut

Humanitarian Certificate


This certification, in collaboration with DisasterReady​, will introduce the Core Humanitarian Principles and Standards as a framework to support local organizations in establishing internal emergency response systems, improving the quality of response, and fostering collaboration.​ ​​​​​​​This is a blended certificate, courses are given online and in-person. Face-to-face classes are provided at AUB and the online self-study courses are available free of charge on DisasterReady. For instructions on how to access the online courses, please refer to the DisasterReady Guide.​​

​​Course Description

  • CHMN 201 Principles and Standards of Humanitarianism

This course gives an overview of the main principles of humanitarian action. In this course you will learn about the most important principles of aid work, participation, doing no harm, and accountability. Participants will be exposed to realistic scenarios and apply the principles to challenges they will face while assisting disaster-affected communities. 

  • CHMN 202 Safety, Security and Staff Care

This course introduces concepts, principles and explores the safety, security and staff care measures necessary for humanitarian workers to effectively perform their roles in insecure and unsafe environments. 

  • CHMN 203 Humanitarian Programming 

This course builds knowledge for any learner who is proactive about developing the core competencies of disaster readiness and survival planning. In addition, it offers essential preparation for a variety of emergency situations and inconveniences that might be encountered. Participants will also be introduced to the disaster cycle, specifically the mitigation and recovery phases, and will create an extensive personal preparedness plan for survival in the absence of common amenities, such as food and water, shelter, and communication. 

  • CHMN 2​04 Humanitarian Leadership and Operations

This course builds knowledge of h​umanitarian practices, fundamental principles and aspects of delivering aid and promoting human welfare in the context of humanitarian relief and development. 

​​​​​​To submit your full registration, ​​send all filled required documents to or pass by CEC Office. ​​​​​​

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