American University of Beirut

Toxic Trash


​​November 30, ​2022

Expired medications can be toxic to people and the environment if not disposed of properly. To tackle this under-recognized problem, engineering researchers at the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture teamed  up with the Interdiscip​linary Design Practice Program (IDPP) to come up with a solution using human-centered design. 

With students, post-grad fellows, and professors working together, they first set about to understand people's behavior and understanding of expired medications and then came up with a multi-phase plan to address it.

Founded in 2018, the Interdisciplinary Design Practice Program (IDPP) integrates interdisciplinary experiential learning methods with human-centered design tools to help students, instructors, and researchers approach their projects using design thinking methodology. 

Team members involved: 

Chemical Engineering:
Dr. Walid Saad (associate professor in chemical engineering)
Dr. Chirine el Baba (associate researcher)
Mira Bou Malham (student, work study program)
Lea Karam (student, work study program)
Hadi Noun (intern) 

Interdisciplinary Design Practice Program:
Dr. Dana Al Batlouni (director of IDPP and assistant professor in design research)
Yara Zebian (research assistant)
Rita Rouphael (IDPP undergraduate design fellow)
Fatima Harmoush (graphic design undergraduate)
Zein Zebib (IDPP undergraduate design fellow)
Hadi Touffic Kabrit (IDPP post-baccalaureate fellow)
Celine Massoud (IDPP post-baccalaureate fellow)​

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