The mission of the Center for Teaching and Learning is to promote and support high quality teaching and learning at the American University of Beirut in keeping with the mission of the University, particularly the university's commitment to excellence in teaching and the enablement of students to think independently and become life-long learners.
The CTL seeks to realize its mission and achieve its goals by:
- Promoting faculty reflective dialogues about excellence in teaching and learning.
- Advocating and supporting collaborative, learner centered education.
- Planning, coordinating and implementing activities on teaching methods for the improvement of student learning.
- Promoting greater understanding of pedagogic methodology and the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
- Providing support for individual faculty members.
- Functioning as a resource center that archives and disseminates teaching and learning resources in order to assist faculty members in their efforts to become more effective teachers.
- Promoting and sharing scholarship in teaching and learning excellence in higher education.
- Planning and sponsoring activities that enhance students’ learning excellence.
The CTL is an independent, multipurpose interdisciplinary unit that serves all the Faculties at the University.
- Acting Director Fall 2021-present: Dr. Amal BouZeineddine
- Administrative Officer: Lamia Husseiny
- Administrative Assistant: Jana El Kadi