Tenth International Conference on
Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
This year, the conference is
April 9, 2021
Welcome! أهلاً و سهلاً
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), the Office of Information Technology and the Communication Skills Program at the American University of Beirut will hold their "Tenth International Conference on Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Education” on April 9, 2021, Online. The Conference Program Committee invites university faculty members from Lebanon, the MENA region, and beyond to submit proposals for presentations to be reviewed for possible inclusion in the Conference program.
This year’s Conference theme will focus on “
Higher Education and Student Engagement in Times of Crisis”. The program of the Conference is relevant to university faculty members and other individuals interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. The Conference also aims at providing opportunities for building professional relationships among members of the community of university faculty members locally, regionally, and internationally. In addition to the formal research-oriented sessions in the program, the Conference features pre-conference workshops and prominent speakers.
Conference Strands are: Assessment of Program and Course Learning Outcomes in Higher Education; Community-Based Learning; E-learning and Pedagogy; Teaching, Learning and Assessment Procedures in Higher Education; and Writing Instruction and Research in Higher Education.
Application and Guidelines for submission of proposals
Deadline for receiving proposals is
extended till February 15.
Assessment of Program and Course Learning Outcomes in Higher Education. Learning outcomes at the program and course levels have become an integral indicator for assessing curricula in higher education. In the context of evidence-based reporting, learning outcomes present themselves as an inevitable source of data for assessing academic programs and student performance. Therefore, departments and programs which are keen on assessing their students' attainment of set program and course learning outcomes develop learning outcomes, design assessment procedures, collect data, analyze it and use the results in order to improve their curriculum and student learning performance. In this strand, presenters are expected to share, reflect on and generalize from their ongoing research, published papers or field experience in planning, developing and assessing program/course learning outcomes of different programs in higher education including general education.
Community-Based Learning. Community-based learning, a teaching and learning strategy, that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. It is a hands-on approach to mastering content while fostering civic responsibility. Community-Based Learning builds stronger and more relevant academic skills and provides a context for learning in terms of what students are as citizens, and how they are able to contribute to the needs of society. In this strand, papers should reflect on, present research or field experience in the domain of Community-Based Learning.
E-learning and Pedagogy. Innovation in teaching inevitably brings forward different delivery formats and modern teaching methodologies. Furthermore, E-Learning is a comprehensive umbrella that incorporates technology tools to support and enrich the learning experience. This strand provides an opportunity for faculty members, graduate students and instructional designers to discuss and share research, best practices, collaborations and ideas on integrating technology in learning. Topics may include but are not limited to: Innovations in teaching technologies, Web-Enhanced Learning, Blended Learning, Online Learning, Mobile Learning, Quality course design, Creative uses of Learning Management System (LMS).
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Procedures in Higher Education. The focus in this strand relates to research on issues in teaching, learning, and assessment. Research reports can be on instructor cognition, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, student understanding and learning, and conceptual change at the university level.
Writing Instruction and Research in Higher Education. LTeaching writing at the college level presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for educators. Researchers need to test various pedagogical approaches in order to understand which classroom practices work best to help students become more critical and successful writers. In addition, research is needed to better understand how, why, and when writers write. In this strand, presenters are encouraged to share and reflect upon the philosophies that guide their approach to writing instruction, the pedagogical practices used in the classroom to engage students, and/or assignments that help enrich students’ writing and thinking practices in critical ways. This strand also encourages proposals that report on the results of qualitative or quantitative research related to writing practices and pedagogy. Innovative proposals representing a range of writers and writing courses, including first-year writing, writing-in-the-disciplines (WID), writing-across-the-curriculum (WAC), and ESP/EAP, are welcome.
For more information about the conference please email us at ctl@aub.edu.lb
Conference Organizing Committee