Speaker: Mary Deane Sorcinelli is co-PI, Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative, Association of American Universities (AAU) and Professor Emeritus and Senior Fellow, Center for Teaching & Learning, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Previous roles include Distinguished Scholar in Residence, Mount Holyoke College, Associate Provost and founding Director, Center for Teaching & Faculty Development, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Mary Deane's research is in the areas of faculty professional development in teaching, mentoring, scholarly writing, and the role of teaching centers in fostering 21st century faculty learning. She has published over 100 articles, book chapters and books. She served as the president, POD Network in Higher Education; as a senior scholar, American Association for Higher Education (AAHE); and has worked in some 15 countries, most recently as the Educator in Residence at the National University of Singapore and as a Fulbright Specialist at Texas A&M in Education City, Qatar. Her doctorate in educational policy, research and leadership is from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. |
With growing pressures for accountability, reduced funding, and serious questions about how to support the success of all students, these are challenging times for higher education. But there is good news as well, as the focus on teaching and learning assumes a much more prominent place on the academic landscape. This session highlights the importance of promoting a campus culture in which teaching and learning are a focus of sustained attention, inquiry, and improvement by all members of the campus community. But what are the distinguishing features of such a culture and how do we build, nurture, and sustain one? In this session, we will move through a series of thought experiments, drawing on participants' experiences in their own setting to: 1) identify the critical, defining indicators of a culture of teaching and learning; 2) explore levers for cultivating such a culture; and 3) strategize about opportunities for strengthening a teaching culture that supports powerful learning for all.