American University of Beirut

Safety Wardens

In order to spread safety culture across AUB and to provide a safe work environment, a system of Safety Wardens was established to assist EHSRM in the proper implementation of safety policies on campus.  Around 45 wardens and 39 deputy wardens were officially nominated by their Deans, Chairmen or Department Heads. The wardens are receiving training from EHSRM staff on specific topics where they can intervene.  
A- Role of the Safety Wardens

  • Follow up, from a Safety perspective, the implementation of Safety policies and procedures within his area of influence. 
  • Act as a liaison with EHSRM and assist EHSRM in conducting drills (fire, spills, etc) and evacuating buildings, if needed, in cases of emergencies.
  • Notify EHSRM about any emergency or unsafe condition - this could be related to fire, spills (chemical, radiation, biological), reporting an incident, environmental management problem, etc.   
  • Promote safety rules and sound work practices in their areas.
  • Notify staff and students in his/her area of influence about new safety rules, policies, activities, events.
  • Make sure that hazards associated with their work areas are posted.
  • Provide a “first line” of observation, information and quick intervention.

B- Role of the Safety Wardens During Fire Alarms

  • The role of the safety and floor wardens in buildings is to lead during the evacuation process by:
  • Directing evacuees to the nearest unobstructed exit
  • Conducting a floor search to make sure that everyone has evacuated
  • Reporting to the pre-designated safe Assembly Area for the building and conducting a head count based on the list they have
  • Directing evacuees to stand clear of buildings while at the assembly point
  • Waiting for Instructions from the Incident Commander.

C- Instructions to Building Residents During a Fire Drill  

  • As soon as you hear the alarm bells ringing, stop everything you are doing and proceed to exit the building.
  • NEVER USE ELEVATORS! Evacuate the building using the stairs.
  • Before leaving, CLOSE - DON’T LOCK, your office doors behind you. 
  • If you have visitors, kindly invite them to leave with you; and if you have physically challenged people who cannot use the stairs by themselves, don’t let them use the elevators! 
  • Exit the building as quickly as you can, though without affecting your own safety and that of others. 
  • Don’t take the opportunity to socialize; a fire drill is a serious exercise.
  • As soon as you exit the building, go directly to the indicated assembly area and stay there until further notice.  Floor wardens will do headcounts of their department’s occupants to make sure everybody is safe in the assembly area.
  • Don't re-enter the building until you are told to do so by the safety officer.

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