American University of Beirut

Message from the chair

​​Welcome to the website of the Department of Agriculture (AGRI) at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. Established in 1952, the School of Agriculture was the first of its kind in Lebanon and region, and its mission extends well beyond University doors to reach out to the agricultural community at large. The Department has a record-history of strong relationships and connections with international organizations, government agencies, the private sector, and of course the farming community. AGRI continues to be a leading core of academic and professional excellence in Lebanon and the region in the areas of food and water security, climate change adaptation, and agricultural livelihoods, supported by a unique 100-hectare research and outreach center, located 80 kilometers east of Beirut at the heart of the Bekaa Valley.  Known as the Advancing Research and Enabling Communities Center (AREC), this cutting edge research, education, and outreach facility offers a unique opportunity for our faculty and students to solve the challenges of the 21st century Agriculture.  

The department offers multidisciplinary programs in agricultural sciences. At the undergraduate level, it awards two BS degrees. The first of these degrees is the well-known 4-year degree in Agriculture and the Diploma of Ingénieur Agricole, now revamped to address current issues of agricultural production in an era of global warming, conflicts, and dwindling water resources.  The degree covers all agricultural aspects of the value chain from plant production and health, smart irrigation, soils, animal production and health, and power and machinery. Students pursuing this degree spend two semesters in their third year at the Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC), a 100 ha facility at the heart of the Bekaa Valley, which offers them an exceptional opportunity for experiential learning and training on the newest technologies in the field of agriculture​. Graduates of this degree are the leaders in major agricultural and landscape enterprises and non-governmental organizations in Lebanon and several countries of the Gulf and MENA region. Lebanese graduates are eligible to join the Order of Engineers. 

The second degree we offer is in Agribusiness (3-yr program) in which students are introduced to topics in agriculture from the business standpoint. Students take courses in marketing, accounting, entrepreneurship, and economics. Graduates of Agribusiness can opt for a second-degree in Agriculture to be eligible to join the Engineers' Syndicate in Lebanon.

Furthermore, the department is now launching a competitive graduate program in Smart Agriculture with specialties in Plant health and Production, Animal and Poultry Sciences, and Land and Water Management. The Department also hosts AgHive, the leading unit in Remote Sensing, Geospatial Studies, and Smart Irrigation technologies, which is supported by extramural funding.

The department enjoys high-end facilities at the Beirut campus run by its exceptional and highly experienced faculty, such the plant biotechnology lab, the smart irrigation lab, the remote sensing and geospatial analysis lab, the animal feeds lab, the plant pathology lab, and the soil characterization lab, and offers an exceptional opportunity for experiential learning and training on the newest technologies in the field. With these resources, AGRI brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, research, and education to its proud members.

Welcome​ again, and please browse our website for much more information!

With best regards,

 Hadi Jaafar.​

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