The two major sectors incorporated in this section are poultry and livestock.
1- Poultry Sector:
This sector includes different types of housing available at AREC. Activities in the poultry sector are undertaken by two employees.
1.1- Layer Hens and Egg Production: Table eggs produced at AREC are examined by candling, and graded according to size. Highest degree of safety measures are taken during storage and transportation.
◾ Floor Pen Operation in Conventional Housing: This type of conventional operation is most common in Lebanon where the hens at AREC may be raised in two houses. The birds are confined in groups of 35-40 per pen with 10 pens in each house. Each pen is equipped with ample bedding, feeders, waterers, perches, and egg laying nests. The eggs are collected manually on a daily basis.
◾Colony Cage Operation: The colony cage system in its different variations is operated in a new environmentally controlled house that provides the following features:
a- Controlled temperature, humidity, and ventilation.
b- Automatic water nipple system in all cages.
c- Automatic manure drying and removal system.
◾Two systems of fully automated chains are available, one with standard specifications, and the other with more advanced specifications that comply with the norms and standards of the European Community code regarding the animal welfare issues. Both systems are connected to a fully automated feeding facility, and equipped with automatic egg collection belts.
◾Breeder’s Assembly: The breeder’s chains are characterized by more space for the larger roosters, special feeders, and appropriate egg collection facility.
◾Experimental Individual Cages: These are specially built individual cages such that each bird can be observed individually for feed and water intake and production. Light hours are controlled for the whole group in each cage assembly.
1.2- Broilers and Meat Production: Broilers at AREC could be produced on floor pen system at an average rate of 1000-2000 birds per cycle. The broiler birds are fed high quality practical rations, particular for each age phase. Special concern is being made to use natural and local grain varieties, and to avoid any unnecessary additives (chemical, growth promoters etc...). The broilers are slaughtered properly according to approved method at the semi-automatic slaughter house at AREC, and then packed and deep frozen. The highest degrees of cleanliness, hygiene, and sanitation are applied before, during, and after the process.
2- Livestock Sector:
Three types of livestock are raised at AREC, cattle, sheep, and goat. All agriculture students get acquainted with these animals. Those who major in livestock have to spend much more time here practicing daily chores and participating in managerial decision making. Operations in this sector are performed mainly by five permanent employees throughout the year.
2.1- Sheep: The sheep flock at AREC consists of about 17 ewes, 3 rams, and their progeny (16 yearling male and female lambs).
2.2- Goat: The goat band at AREC consists of around 8 does, 2 bucks, and their progeny (7 yearling buck kid and 3 yearling doe kid) all belonging to the Shami breed. A breeding schedule and challenge feeding has been set to have 3 kidding in two years with a high percentage of twins and occasionally triplets.