American University of Beirut

LDEM Launches Some of its Classes in Hybrid Format

​Students from the Landscape Architecture program came back to campus with a special approval to attend sessions of their design classes in studios and labs. Courses such as Landscape Technical Drawing, GIS, Plant Material, and Design are provided under the instructor’s supervision. Strict and continuous monitoring of safety measures are in place to ensure safety of all.

LDEM 241 course is provided in hybrid format by Dr. Yaser Abunnasr, Dr. Beata Dreksler, and Dr. Mona Khechen to final year project students in which one session is attended face-to-face while the other session is online.​

​LDEM 222 (Landscape Planting Design) moved outdoors! The course is provided by assistant professor Nayla Al-Akl and instructor Monika Fabian to 2nd year landscape architecture students as part of expanding LDEM's outdoor learning environment.

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