American University of Beirut

FAQ regarding Online Petitions and Forms System (Graduate Students)

FAQ regarding Online Petitions and Forms System
(Graduate Students)

Q: Who else should I contact, other than my academic adviser, if I have questions regarding my e-petition?
You can contact concerned course instructor(s) and department chair(s) to explain, and possibly support, your case.

Q: What happens to my e-petition after I submit it?
First, it goes to your adviser and from there, to the course instructor (if relevant to the petition) and then, to the department chair. Afterwards it reaches the Student Services Officer who forwards it to the Graduate Committee for consideration.

Q: How can I track the stages and result of my e-petition?
You can track your e-petition online and you will be notified by email once a final decision is taken.

Q: What should I do if I have trouble accessing the OPFS?
If you are unable to access the OPFS or face technical problems, you may seek the support of the FAS IT section by sending an email to

Q: What should I do if I want to resume my studies and reactivate my file?
As an inactive FAS graduate student (who has left AUB for more than one semester), you should select and fill the reactivation form on the right-hand side of the OPFS main page (the login page). Make sure to select “Graduate Student”. However, since you cannot track your e-petition, you need to contact the FAS Dean’s Office Student Services Office at to follow-up on your petition.

Q: How do I know which petition to select?


  1. Update Status from Prospective: Use this e-petition when you are done with UG course requirements with the necessary average to request changing your status from prospective graduate to regular graduate.


  1. Audit Course: Use this request to audit a course. Select the course and section you wish to audit and state the reason for auditing rather than enrolling in the course. Note that there is a fee for auditing.
  2. Change of Major: Use this request if you want to change your major within admissions deadlines.
  3. Correction of Records (late drop-add): Use this request if you have missed the drop and add period for technical or other reasons.
      • Add course
      • Delete course
      • Make sure to submit a petition for each different course you want to add or delete.
  4. Incomplete Request: Use this form to request for an incomplete grade in a course if you have missed or will be missing its final exam or deadline for submission of the final paper. The request should be submitted before the date of the final exam/deadline of the final paper, or within two weeks from that date. You will need to attach all supporting documents and justify the reason(s) behind your request.
  5. Extension of Incomplete: Use this request if you have an approved incomplete requested by your course instructor, but you have failed to complete the final course work within the first four weeks of the beginning of the next regular semester.
  6. General: For all other requests, use the general petition form. Please note that you must clearly state the request and your reasons for the request.
      • Follow old curriculum requirements
      • Reconsideration of expulsion from faculty
      • Equivalences or transfer of credits for courses you have taken at AUB (as non-degree, as prospective, etc.)
      • Other (e.g. Extension to thesis proposal deadline, waiving of prerequisites, etc.)
  7. Course Equivalence: Use this request if you want to request equivalences or credit transfers for courses you have taken at another university.
  8. Count course instead of another as part of requirements: Use this request if you want to count a course as part of major requirements.
  9. Leave of Absence: Students who are not enrolled for a period of more than 12 months will be considered to have withdrawn from the program unless they apply for a leave of absence. The leave of absence application can be up to one year at a time. The maximum period of approved leave of absence is for two years.
  10. Modify Project Proposal: Use this request to modify your project proposal, only if you submitted the first version online.
  11. Modify Thesis Proposal: Use this request to modify your thesis proposal, only if you submitted the first version online.
  12. Project Proposal: Use this request to submit your project proposal. Select the various committee members of professorial rank. If a committee member is from outside AUB, please attach the member’s CV and inform her/him to send an email to to confirm his/her approval to serve on your committee. Make sure to attach your project proposal to your petition.
  13. Reinstate in a Course: Use this request if you have mistakenly withdrawn from a course or have been dropped from it.
  14. Residency Extension: All requirements for the Master's degree must be completed within a period of four years after admission to graduate study. You must apply for extension once you exceed four years of residency. Indicate the number of semesters/years required, whether the residency extension was approved by your thesis advisor, the status of your thesis proposal and the progress of your thesis work.
  15. Retake Final Exam: Use this request if you have proper justification to retake your final.
  16. Thesis Proposal: Use this request to submit your thesis proposal. Select the various committee members of professorial rank. If a committee member is from outside AUB, please attach the CV and inform her/him to send an email to to confirm his/her approval to serve on your committee. Make sure to attach your thesis proposal to your petition.
  17. Withdrawal from a Course: Use this request if you have missed the deadline for withdrawal or if you need to withdraw from a course for medical or other reasons. Note that the course grade will appear as a “W” on your transcript.

Q: What if I want to retract the e-petition I had submitted?
In case you submitted a petition and would like to cancel it, email to request cancellation of the petition.

Q: What should I do if my e-petition has been pending at a certain stage for a long time?
Contact the concerned individual where the petition has been pending. You may also contact the Student Services Office for assistance.

Q: If my petition was closed, does it mean that it has been approved?
If your petition was closed it means that it will not be considered. You will usually receive an e-mail that notifies you that your petition has been closed and the reason for closure.

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