American University of Beirut

Zeina G. Halabi

​How has time been construed and imagined in the modern Arabic literary tradition? What is the contemporary legacy of 20th century emancipatory traditions, texts, and figures? And what constitutes the contemporary era in Arabic literature and public culture? Zeina G. Halabi is tenured Associate Professor of Arabic Literature at the American University of Beirut. Her research in modern Arabic literature examines the contemporary legacy of 20th century emancipatory traditions, texts, and figures, with a regional focus on Egypt and the Levant. Her first book, The Unmaking of the Arab Intellectual: Prophecy, Exile, and the Nation (2017), examines the ways contemporary writers have questioned the authority historically associated with exilic, politically committed, and nationalist intellectuals. She has edited three anthologies on contemporary Arabic literature and authored articles in refereed journals and edited volumes. Her public scholarship in Arabic and English includes essays and translations published in alternative pan-Arab and international media platforms on topics ranging from literature, to contemporary music and visual culture. She received the EUME postdoctoral fellowship at the Forum Transregionale Studien (2012/13) and the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers (2018/21). She has served as editor of scholarly journals and board member of cultural institutions. She has also served as juror for literary awards granted by pan-Arab cultural institutions. She is currently working on her second book titled A Literary History of Arab Futures: Enlightenment, Ruins, and Dystopia.

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