American University of Beirut

Bachelor of Science of Biology


The BS program in Biology prepares students for advanced study and careers in research, education, and service in Biology-related disciplines. Students will acquire descriptive, experimental, quantitative, and conceptual abilities spanning molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecological levels. Lecture and laboratory courses will emphasize model systems, the role of evolution, diversity of living systems, hypothesis-based reasoning, and communication skills. Science, social science, and humanities coursework will foster creativity, free thought, interdisciplinary skills, and commitment to ethical scholarship.

BS Major Requirements

The departmental requirements for the BS degree in Biology are:

  • Biology 201, 202, 220, 223
  • Two of the following four courses: 224, 252, 260 or 270
  • Biology 293
  • A minimum of 13 credits in Biology elective courses including at least one lab course, in addition to the courses: CHEM 201, 210, 211 and 212; STAT 210; PHYS 204 & 204L OR PHYS 205 & 205L.

BS Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Students graduating from Biology with a BS should be able to:

  1. Apply high ethical standards of academia in teaching, research, and reporting of experimental results as well as in humane treatment of all living organisms.
  2. Use proper vocabulary to demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of major integrating concepts of biology, including the chemical basis for life, cell theory, genetics, microbiology, physiology, immunology, ecology, and the origin, evolution, and diversity of life.
  3. Analyze the relationship between structure and function at molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecological levels.
  4. Explain molecular mechanisms and regulation of gene expression and metabolism.
  5. Test hypotheses by designing and performing research; properly recording observations; interpreting scientific data.
  6. Create safe and efficient scientific work environments in indoor and field laboratories.
  7. Demonstrate competence in scientific communication, including using the literature and public domain databases, and explanation of historical advances and biological issues of public concern.
  8. Argue that biology is not a stand alone science, but rather that it needs to integrate other empirical and social sciences to be properly studied and understood.

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