BE in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
AUB is introducing a new undergraduate major in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BE in CSE). The BE in CSE is offered by the Electrical & Computer Engineering department in collaboration with the Computer Science department. Students who have completed the requirements for a BS in Computer Science have the option to transfer to CSE, provided they achieve a qualifying overall GPA. Transferring students can finish the CSE degree in four calendar years, provided they follow an appropriate study plan.
Minor in Computer Science
A minor in computer science requires the completion of the following 18 credits: CMPS 201, CMPS 202, CMPS 211 (or MATH 211), CMPS 214, and 6 additional credits from the following: CMPS 215, CMPS 221, CMPS 231, CMPS 240, and CMPS 244, CMPS 270, and CMPS 271. A minimum of 9 credits must be taken in the department. [Note: This minor is not open to students from the ECE Department.].
Minor in Computational Science
A minor in Computational Science requires the completion of the following 15 credits:9 required credits (CMPS 202, MATH/CMPS 251, MATH 281 or CMPS 254), 6 credits out of the following: MATH 211 (or CMPS 211), CMPS 214, CMPS 220, DCSN 200, PHYS 222,or a tutorial course in either PHYS 231 or PHYS 232, or a chemistry course which has computational contents.
Minor in Data Science
A minor in data science requires the completion of the following 18 credits: CMPS 201 or CMPS 203, CMPS 244, CMPS 261, CMPS 262, one of the following (STAT 230, STAT 201, STAT 210, EDUC 227 or ECON 213), and MATH 218 or MATH 219. [Note: This minor is not open to Computer Science students and students from the ECE Department.]
Minor in Software Development and Design
A minor in software development and design requires the completion of the following 18 credits: CMPS 201, CMPS 202, CMPS 244, CMPS 270, CMPS 271, and one of CMPS 278, CMPS 297N (Mobile Development), and CMPS 297V (Game Programming). A minimum of 9 credits must be taken in the Computer Science department. [Note: This minor is not open to students from the ECE Department.]
Minor in Gaming
The Gaming Minor can be attained by any AUB student who fulfills 18 credits which might vary depending on the student’s major. Humanities, creative arts, graphic design, and related majors must take the following 3 courses: CMPS 201 or CMPS 203, GRDS 141, CMPS 204. Science, engineering, math,and other STEM majors (including computer science) must take the following 3 courses:CMPS 202, CMPS 285, CMPS 297V (Game Programming).All majors must take 2 out of the following courses: ENGL 264, ENGL 297, MCOM 291P. All majors must also take 1 out of the following courses: ENGL 254G, EDUC 275.