American University of Beirut

​​A Note from the Chair

In our globalized world, a degree in Economics provides a crucial key to opening many new doors. Using their Economics knowledge, students will understand the factors that shape human decisions and firm behavior, and help to design new policies that take these factors into account. They will study the dynamics of international capital flows and exchange rates as a precursor to their careers in banking and finance. They will understand labor market phenomena, the taxation of income from labor and capital, issues in development, the economics of energy, and they will learn to phrase their arguments using the history of thought. 

Globalization has proceeded faster than anyone anticipated a few decades ago. Now many parts of the world including Beirut are connected to myriad loci by the flows of capital and people and ideas. We here at American University of Beirut are as much the drivers of globalization and global models as we are followers of trends emanating from the old centers. These developments give the American University of Beirut and its students and faculty unparalleled opportunities.

Our goal is to make the Economics Department at AUB as competitive, as contemporary, as forward-looking as any in our region and beyond. For this purpose, we work with the students, their parents, our alumni and donors, colleagues on campus and the administration to create an Economics Department that is part of the new globalization.

This website shows the structure of our undergraduate and MA programs, our faculty members' profile, and the courses we offer. You can also find information regarding our seminar series and the conferences that are organized in collaboration with other departments and institutes including the Institute of Financial Economics. Our seminar program hosts international scholars and the conferences cover topics of interest to academics, policymakers and the business community at large. 

I invite you to explore the website and feel free to get in touch in case of inquiry.

Sumru Altug
Professor of Economics and Department Chair

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