SEMINARS 2023-2024
Speaker: Zeina Hasna, International Monetary Fund
Seminar Title: The Grass Is Actually Greener On The Other Side: Evidence on Green Multipliers From The United States
Speaker:Theocharis Grigoriadis,
Freie Universitat Berlin
Seminar Title: Industrialization and
Conflict in the Russian Empire
Speaker: Mohamad Adhami, Stanford
Seminar Title: Population and Welfare: the
Greatest Good for the Greatest Number
Speaker:El Hadi Caoui, University of Toronto (virtual)
Seminar Title: Network Diversity, Market Entry and the Global Internet Backbone
Speaker: Dina Pomeranz, University of Zurich (virtual)
Seminar Title: The Race Between Tax Enforcement and Tax Planning: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Chile
Speaker: Mahrad Sharifvaghefi, University of Pittsburgh (virtual)
Seminar Title: Optimal Invariant Tests in an Instrumental Variables Regression with Heteroskedastic and Autocorrelated Errors
Speaker: Mohamed Saleh, London School of Economics
Seminar Title: The Glorious Revolution that Wasn't: Rural Elite Conflict and Demand for Democratization
SEMINARS 2018-2019
Speaker: Daniel Fernandez Kranz , IE Business School
Seminar Title: The Impact of Equal Parenting Time Laws on Family and Child Outcomes
Speaker: Dr.Peter Kuhn , University of California, Santa Barbara
Seminar Title: Gender Targeted Job Ads in the Recruitment Process: Evidence from China
Speaker: Dr.Sebastian Calonico , University of Miami
Seminar Title: Optimal Bandwidth Choice for Robust Bias Corrected Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs
Speaker: Dr.Mehmet Soytas , Ozyegin University
Seminar Title: What is the Source of the Inter-generational Correlation in Earnings?
Speaker: Dr.Lynda Khalaf , Carleton University
Seminar Title: Alpha and Risk Analysis of Catastrophe Bond Mutual Funds using Exact, Simultaneous Inference Methods
Speaker: Dr.Zeina Hasna , University of Cambridge
Seminar Title: Climate change mitigation policies: Distributional and allocative effects
Speaker: Dr.Ugo Panizza , Graduate Institute of Geneva and CEPR
Seminar Title: Local Crowding Out in China
Speaker: Dr.Sevcan Yesiltas , Koc University
Seminar Title: The Collateral Channel: Real Estate Prices and Firm Leverage
Speaker: Dr.Richard Dunn , Associate Professor at University of Connecticut
Seminar Title: How dangerous are drinking drivers now? Replicating and updating Levitt and Porter
Speaker: Dr.Arabinda Basistha , Assistant Professor at West Virginia University
Seminar Title: Monetary Shock Measurement and Stock Markets
Speaker: Dr.Jamal Haidar , Post-Doc at Harvard University
Seminar Title: Do Political Connections Reduce Job Creation? Evidence from Lebanon
Speaker: Dr.Julian Reiss , Durham University
Seminar Title: The Perennial Methodenstreit: Observation, First Principles, and Economics
Speaker: Dr.Mohammed Alloush , University of California, Santa Barbara
Seminar Title: Income, Psychological Well-being, and the Dynamics of Poverty: Evidence from South Africa
Speaker: Dr.Anastasia Girshina , Swedish House of Finance at Stockholm School of Economics
Seminar Title: Peer effects in stock market participation: Evidence from immigration
SEMINARS 2016-2017
Speaker: Dr.Faisal Ahmad , Princeton University
Seminar Title: Remitting the Democratic Deficit
Speaker: Dr.Nizar Hariri , Saint Joseph University
Seminar Title: Soft dualism in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments: The body the person and the non-egoistic personal body
Speaker: Dr.Lydia Assouad , Paris School of Economics (PSE)
Seminar Title: Income inequality in Lebanon
Speaker: Dr.Ayhab Saad , Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
Seminar Title: Schooling choice responses to labor market shocks: Evidence from a natural experiment
Speaker: Dr.Marcella Nicolini , University of Pavia
Seminar Title: Understanding dynamic conditional correlations between oil and non-energy commodity markets
Speaker: Dr.Mark Hoekstra , Texas A&M University
Seminar Title: Workshop: Illegal immigration, State Law and Deterrence
Speaker: Dr.Julien Grenet , Paris School of Economics (PSE)
Seminar Title: Workshop: Incidence of Social Security Contributions: Evidence from France
Speaker: Dr.Valentina Calderon Mejia , First Economics Affairs Officer at the United Nations Economic and So¬cial Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
Seminar Title: Labor Market Effects of Migration-Related Supply Shocks: Evidence from Internal Refugees in Colombia
Speaker: Dr.Patrick Mardini , Balamand University
Seminar Title: Workshop: Free Banking in Belgium, 1835-1850
Speaker: Dr.Erik Angner , George Mason University
Seminar Title: Workshop: Welfare economics after behavioral economics
Speaker: Dr.Erik Angner , George Mason University
Seminar Title: The comparability of utility across two individuals
Speaker: Dr.Javier Birchenall , University of California Santa Barbara
Seminar Title: A Theory of Disease and Development
Speaker: Dr.Mark Hoekstra , Texas A&M University
Seminar Title: Cash for Corollas: When Stimulus Reduces Spending
Speaker: Dr. Julien Grenet, Paris School of Economics and CNRS
Seminar Title: Incidence of Social Security Contributions: Evidence from France
Speaker: Dr. Mark Hoekstra, Texas A&M
Seminar Title: Illegal Immigration, State Law, and Deterrence
Speaker: Dr. Nasreen Nawaz, Michigan State University.
Job Talk: A Dynamic Market Model in Continuous Time Framework: Micro Level Foundation Stone to Explain Macroeconomic Fluctuations.
Speaker: Dr. Sara El Joueidi, University of L uxembourg.
Job Talk: Regulation and Rational Banking Bubbles
in Infinite Horizon.
Speaker: Dr. Travers Child, Vrije Universiteit.
Job Talk: We Don’t Need No Education:Reconstruction and Conflict across Afghanistan.
Speaker:Dr. Marcella Nicolini, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Pavia
Seminar Title: Understanding dynamic conditional correlations between oil and non-energy commodity markets.
Speaker: Dr. Nicolas Aragon, European University Institute.
Job Talk: Banks versus Zombies.
Speaker: Dr. Yasin Onder, Central Bank of Turkey.
Job Talk: Sovereign Default Risk, Firm Investment and Debt Overhang.
Speaker: Dr. Zouheir El Sahli, University of Nottingham
Job Talk: The impact of technological change on new trade: evidence from the container revolution
Speaker: Dr. Halit Akturk, Assistant Professor of Economics at Meliksah University.
Job Talk: Measuring Inflation Pressure for Turkey During a Transition to Inflation Targeting.
SEMINARS 2014-2015
Speaker: Walid Maroush (LAU)
Seminar Title: Adaptation to climate change: how does heterogeneity in adaptation costs affect climate coallitions?
Speaker: Pierre Mouganie (Texas A&M).
Seminar Title: Conscription & the return to education: Evidence from a regression discontinuity.
Speaker: Bilal Malaeb (Manchester).
Seminar Title: Consumption smoothing and risk coping mechanisms in India.
Speaker: Marcin Piatowski (World Bank).
Seminar Title: Poland's new golden age.
Speaker: Steven McNamara (AUB).
Seminar Title: Are stock markets "Rigged"? High frequency trading and the question of financial market fairness.
Speaker: 1/Maryam Naghsh Nejad, Research Associate at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).
Speaker: 2/ Adam Pellillo, International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University.
Seminar Title: Tutorial presentation by Economena Analytics.