American University of Beirut


​​All undergraduate transfer students from outside AUB to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences must take, after admission to the faculty, a minimum of 21 credits in the major department in order to graduate from AUB.

Requirements for interdepartmental transfer within FAS: students wishing to transfer from one major to another in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences may do so after they have completed two full semesters of work in their current major and met the requirements for their prospective major.

Requirements for transfer from other faculties: AUB students wishing to transfer to a major in FAS may do so after they have completed at least two full semesters (minimum 24 credits) of course work at AUB, attained a minimum cumulative average of 70, as well as a minimum average of 70 in at least 15 credits taken in FAS.

Transfers to major in economics from other programs require a cumulative average of 70 or more; a minimum grade of 70 in each of ECON 211, ECON 212 and ENGL 203; and a minimum cumulative average of 70 in MATH 201 and MATH 202.​

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