American University of Beirut

Language Courses

ENGL 107  Language and Culture 3.0; 3 cr.
A study of language in the context of ethnology. Emphasis is on the effect of social variables on language use and on the role of paralanguage (e.g., Kinesics and Proxemics) in communication. Annually.

ENGL 108 Beginning Translation 3.0; 3 cr.
An introduction to Arabic-English-Arabic translation. Students develop their translation skills by translating texts in various genres. Annually.

ENGL 227  Introduction to Language 3.0; 3 cr.
A survey of current areas in theoretical and applied linguistics including the different levels of structure, the nature of language acquisition, language variation and evolution, and language teaching. Annually.

ENGL 228  Phonetics 3.0; 3 cr.
A study of the articulatory, auditory, and acoustic description of the sounds of the English language. This course also includes descriptions of the sounds of other languages, chiefly colloquial Arabic of the Eastern variety. The practical component of this course involves practice in transcription and production of sounds in most languages. Annually.

ENGL 229  History of the English Language 3.0; 3 cr.
An introductory survey of the history of the English language from its earliest Indo-European origins to the present day. The nature and changes of the language are presented by reviewing the shifts that have occurred from Indo-European, Germanic, Old English, Middle English, up to Early Modern English. Annually.

ENGL 230  Language in Society 3.0; 3 cr.
An examination of language variations in English as they relate to geographic and social factors. This course covers such topics as dialect, accent, Standard English, lingua franca, pidgin, Creole, and jargon. Additionally, the course analyzes social discourse, socio-linguistic theories, diversity and uniformity, multilingualism, speech communities, and language planning. Annually.

ENGL 231  Modern English Grammar 3.0; 3 cr.
A study of grammar through exploration and analysis. A more detailed study of word and phrase formation, pragmatics, and critical analysis of descriptive uses of grammar are covered. Annually.

ENGL 232  Psycholinguistics 3.0; 3 cr.
An introduction to the fields of first and second language acquisition, highlighting such issues as stages of acquisition, order of acquisition, and theories of language learning. The practicum part of this course involves collecting and analyzing data from learners. Topics covered include formal cognitive mechanisms relevant to knowledge and use of language, with an emphasis on modular view of the mind and its consequences for L1 and L2 language acquisition. Annually.

ENGL 234  Gender and Language 3.0; 3 cr.
A course that explores sexism in language. This course also examines gender-based language differences in relation to status, age, historical context, and attitudes. Annually.

ENGL 235  Politics of Language 3.0; 3 cr.
An analysis of the forces that govern and shape language. Topics covered  include the determinants of language use such as communicative context, power dynamics, social correctness, taboos, gender biases, and censorship. Annually.

ENGL 238   Academic Writing for English Mjors 3.0; 3 cr.
A course for English majors that covers methods and practices of reading, writing, and research specific to the study of language and literature. Attention is placed on analytical thinking, critical reading, and persuasive writing at an advanced level appropriate to the discipline. Every semester.

ENGL 245  Journalistic Writing 3.0; 3 cr.
A course that exposes the student to the diverse styles of journalistic writings. Hands-on exercises in reporting, writing editorials, and conducting investigative research are components of the course. Lectures by journalists are typically integrated into the program. Annually.

ENGL 246  Applied Linguistics 3.0; 3 cr.
This course deals with the implications of the findings of theoretical and empirical research of language in all its aspects (language structure, language acquisition, and language variation and use) for the language learner and language teacher. Annually.

ENGL 247  Discourse Analysis 3.0; 3 cr.
A course that examines human discourse as a means of achieving better understanding of what language is and how it works. This course emphasizes the inter-relation between language forms and language functions culminating in the study of speech acts and the ethnography of speaking. Topics covered include registers, cultural aspects, gender referencing, and pragmatics. Annually.

ENGL 248  Special Topics in English Language 3.0; 3 cr.
This course changes in content from year to year and focuses on varied topics in English language. May be repeated for credit. Annually.

ENGL 290 Tutorial 3 cr.
Directed reading and discussion in a selected topic in literature or language, along with the writing of assigned papers. Offered on demand.

ENGL 293  Seminar for English Majors in Language 3.0; 3 cr.
Topics vary depending on the instructor. Prerequisite: senior standing. Annually.

ENGL 294  Advanced English Grammar 3.0; 3 cr.
A course that aims to provide a linguistic perspective that can penetrate the surface differences of the major English grammars and reveal their most basic features: traditional, descriptive, and transformational grammars are examined. Annually.​​​

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