Syrine C. Hout, Professor of English and Comparative Literature
PhD (Columbia, 1994), MA (Columbia), BA (AUB)
Dr. Hout's academic interests have focused on cross-cultural theories and European travel literatures, dealing with the Middle East, from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. Since the early 2000s, she has devoted her attention to contemporary Anglophone and Francophone Lebanese writings produced in the diaspora. Her publications include Post-War Anglophone Lebanese Fiction: Home Matters in the Diaspora (Edinburgh UP, 2012) and Viewing Europe from the Outside: Cultural Encounters and Critiques in the Eighteenth-Century Pseudo-Oriental Travelogue and the Nineteenth-Century 'Voyage en Orient' (Peter Lang, 1997), and chapters in Politics, Culture and the Lebanese Diaspora (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), Arab Voices in Diaspora (Rodopi, 2009), Literature and Nation in the Middle East (Edinburgh UP, 2006), Nadia Tuéni: Lebanon: Poems of Love and War (Syracuse UP, 2006), and Christian Encounters with the Other (New York UP, 1998). Articles have appeared in Utopian Studies, Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, Studies in the Humanities, CEA Critic, World Literature Today, Studies in Travel Writing, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Middle Eastern Literatures, Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, Arab Studies Quarterly, and Al-Abhath: Journal of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences (AUB), in addition to encyclopedic articles in Literary Encyclopedia (2017),The Literature of Travel and Exploration (2003), and Dictionary of Literary Biography (1999 and 1997). Forthcoming publications are due to appear in the journal College Literature: A Journal of Critical Literary Studies and in the edited volume Beirut to Carnival City: Reading Rawi Hage (Wilfrid Laurier UP).
Courses she has taught include:
ENGL 309C (former 325) Contemporary Multilingual Lebanese Literature
ENGL 311A Prod/ Consumption of Leb. Wars
ENGL 292 Capstone Seminar For Lit Major
ENGL 207 Introduction to English Literature II
ENGL 220 Travel Writing
CVSP 204 Contemporary Studies