American University of Beirut

Departmental Resourses

​​​Math for Physics Clinic


Students who have taken t​he below courses are eligible to instruct:

  • Calculus I and II:(MATH 201 and MATH 202 at AUB)
    Sequence and series, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, multiple integrals, Stoke's Theorem, Gauss' Theorem, Surface and Volume Integrals, Differential Equations, Legendre and Laplace Transforms

  • Linear Algebra:(MATH 218 or MATH 219 at AUB)
    Systems of Linear Equations, Gaussian Elimination, Determinants, Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Orthogonal Projections, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Vector Spaces, Change of Basis.

  • Partial Differential Equations:(MATH 212 at AUB)
    Partial Differential Equations, Fourier Series and Fourier Inverse, Pointwise and Uniform Convergence of Sequences and Series of Functions.

* The choice of courses has been decided upon by consulting interested candidates, and by relying on the fact that they span most, if not all, topics encountered in undergraduate physics courses.
*Of course, any additional math course taken is a plus.


Students have two options:

  • Students can ask their questions online via a chat dialogue box (this is mostly dedicated to graduates who cannot make it to campus on a regular basis). We will ask the graduates about the days on which they are available to answer students' questions and we will inform the students of these days on the website.
  • Students walk in for in-person Q&A sessions. The timings will be determined based on volunteers' availabilities. A booking system will be available on the website as well.


Math Courses Taken
​​Preferred Timings
​Njteh Mkhsian​
​BSc and MSc in Mathematics
​Determined on a case by case basis. Given his crammed schedule, Njteh will coordinate with students via the chat box on the website and set a timing that suits the both of them.​

Ali Kalout
MATH 201: Calculus I
MATH 202: Calculus II
MATH 210: Introduction to Analysis
MATH 212: Intro to PDEs
MATH 219: Linear Algebra I
MATH 220: Lnear Algebra II
MATH 241: Intro to Abstract Algebra
Late afternoons/ evenings
Leonid Sarieddine
Double Major: Math & Physics
Thursdays 1-4 pm
Layal Tannous
MATH 201: Calculus I
MATH 202: Calculus II
MATH 212: Intro to PDEs
MATH 218: Elementary Linear Algebra
TR: 2-4 pm
Ali Badereddine
MATH 201: Calculus I
MATH 202: Calculus II
MATH 219: Linear Algebra I
MATH 251: Numerical Computing MATH 281: Numerical Linear Algebra

Advising and Mentoring

Graduate and Teaching Assistance:
The department offers, as part of the graduate assistantship provided to graduate students supplementary recitations for the below courses:

  • PHYS 214​
  • PHYS 216
  • PHYS 217
  • PHYS 220
  • PHYS 303
  • PHYS 305

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