Decision making
The Network will be led by two co-directors selected by the membership. The primary decision-making body of the Network will be the Coordinating Committee which will discuss the activities and strategy of the Network, and co-ordinate the progress of work in a number of sub-groups. Subgroups will work on functional aspects of running the Network (e.g. communications, fundraising), and/or member interests (such as conflict of interest research or commercial determinants of health). All members will be eligible to be part of a sub-group according to their preference. Each sub-group will select a Subgroup lead.
Membership of the Coordinating Committee will be:
The Coordinating Committee will meet regularly electronically or in person.
Membership Eligibility
Full membership will be open to individuals from various sectors and disciplines whose work align with its vision and mission and who fulfil the criteria outlined in the Conflict of Interest policy. Such members will sit on the Network as individuals, not as representatives of their institution or organization.
Associate membership may be made available in future for organizations or organizational representatives (including government representatives), who meet the membership requirements and processes to be established by the coordinating group. Members will be informed about the governance structure of the Network and will be given the opportunity to participate in Network activities.
Membership process
Those interested in applying for (full) membership of the Network must use the prescribed form to complete their application and fill in a Conflict of Interests form and a Confidentiality form through an online Lime-Survey.
The completed forms will be reviewed by the Membership Committee who will make a recommendation to the coordinating group guided by the GECI-PH conflict of interest policy. Final decisions on membership applications will be made by the Coordinating Committee at a scheduled meeting. Its decision on applications shall be full and final.
The names of those applying for membership will be circulated to the full Network membership in advance of the Membership Committee decision, in order to enable members to inform the Membership Committee of any issues for or against the application.
Membership Committee
A “Membership Committee" will be responsible for screening new applications on a quarterly basis. The Committee will be comprised of 5 members approved by the Coordinating Committee and will be responsible for undertaking the necessary due diligence process on each application. This will include examining declarations of interest forms, and any issues raised by members about applications, and ensuring that to grant membership will not be compromised. Upon receiving an application, the Membership committee shall undertake the necessary process within one week and thereafter inform its recommendation to the Coordinating Committee for its decision.
All strategic communication (written or verbal) among Network members, including minutes of meetings, advocacy or other documents, are to be treated as confidential. Under no circumstances should they be shared with external agencies or individuals. In the event that sharing such discussions/documents is desirable, the concerned member should seek and secure permission from the Coordinating Committee, prior to sharing externally. The concerned member should outline in writing to the Coordinating Committee, the need for sharing.
Termination of Membership
Membership of the Network may be rescinded when a member:
is found to be acting against the stated vision and mission of the Network
is found to have a conflict of interest which would normally preclude them from membership as it is in contravention of the conflict of interest policy of the Network
works in a manner which is counter-productive to the letter and spirit of the Network or leads to stalling or compromising the functioning of the Network and its activities.
is found to have been abusive in written and verbal communications with fellow members
Concerns relating to the above behaviours should be brought to the attention of the Membership committee, which shall recommend action for final decision by the Coordinating Committee.
Regular feedback and communication is essential in any network. Members are requested to respond to the Coordinating Committee within stipulated timeframes to enable progress of Network campaigns or activities and/or timely submission of appeals, positions statements etc.