American University of Beirut

Members of the Gamma Delta Chapter

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Execu​​​tive Board ​Members 2020-21

  • Immediate Past President: Noor Jaber Chehayeb
  • President: ​Ghinwa El Hayek
  • President-elect: Tamara Lotfi​
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Christiane El Khoury
  • Member at large: Amena El Harake
  • Member at large: Yasmeen Faraj


  • ​​The Inducting Committee:
  1. This Committee is responsible to review potential membership among the students, faculty, alumni and honorary categories.

  2. The Chairperson of this Committee is the president-elect.

  3. This Committee shall be dissolved once its mission is completed. 

  • The Administrative, Web and Communications Committee:

  1. The Committee shall be responsible for the administrative duties of the Chapter, for maintaining and updating the Gamma Delta Chapter website and social media outlets, as well as liaising communication with members and other relevant parties.

  2. The Chairperson of this committee is the Secretary.

  3. This Committee is active for one year.

  • ​ The Activities Committee: 

  1. The Committee shall organize the annual Student Research Day/Scientific Poster Competition.

  2. The Committee may consult with the Student Services Office and Faculty Members of the AUB-FHS when developing the annual Gamma Delta Chapter activities program (fundraising, webinars, talks, conferences, Health Day, etc.).

  3. Committee members shall agree on a Chairperson from within the committee.

  4. This Committee is active for one year from April 1 to March 31.

  • Nominating Committee:

  1. The Committee shall collect nominations for officer positions from active Chapter members.

  2. The Committee shall organize the elections, and oversee the election of new officers.

  3. The Committee shall be dissolved once its mission is completed.

  • Special Committees:
  1. In consultation with the other Officers, the President may appoint special committees and define their dut​ies. Special committees shall be dissolved at the end of office of the appointing President unless their mission is completed at an earlier date, or if the new President continues the committee.

​Cha​​pter Members

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