CRPH in partnership with AEDRG at AUB evaluated the short and medium-term impact of multipurpose cash assistance provided by WFP and UNHCR on the welfare of Syrian refugees.
The project used a longitudinal quasi-experimental Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) where data was collected in 3 different waves to be able to capture effects of the programme that would materialize over a 2-year period. A total of 12,000 households were visited over three waves, which constituted one of the largest sample sizes collected among previous impact evaluations conducted in Lebanon. AUB evaluated the impact on the following well-being dimensions:
- Money-metric well-being based on changes in household expenditures and expenditure patterns.
- Multidimensional well-being based on changes in education, employment, health, food security, and housing outcomes among others.
- Access to services namely education, health care, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), and housing.
- Intra-household dynamics and decision making
AUB has implemented this research component as one of the partners of the Cash Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning Organizational Network (CaMEALEON) that also includes the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Oxfam and Solidarités International (SI) the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP). The consortium was initiated through funding from the Department for International Development (DfID), European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) and the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO). CaMEALEON is an attempt to create a collaborative support system to enhance adaptive programme management and learning by linking field research and analysis to create actionable recommendations.
Research Timeline: 2018-2020
- Jad Chaaban (PI), Associate professor of economics, AUB
- Nisreen Salti (PI), AUB
- Hala Ghattas (PI), Interim director Associate research professor, CRPH
Research Team
- Alexandra Irani, Department of Economics, AUB
- Rima Al Mokdad, Department of Economics, AUB
- Zeina Jamaluddine