American University of Beirut

Changing Vulnerabilities and COVID-19 Adherence: Older Refugees in Lebanon
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    This project focuses on tracking adherence to COVID-19 preventive/control measures among older Syrian refugees in Lebanon in response to underlying and emergent barriers, enablers, and vulnerabilities that operate at multiple levels. The project aims at assessing how barriers, enablers, and underlying vulnerabilities measured at individual, community, and structural levels are associated with adherence to COVID-19 preventive/control measures (hand-washing, social distancing, and seeking healthcare upon appearance of symptoms). Examining how adherence to COVID-19 preventive/control measures vary over time in response to change in underlying and emergent vulnerabilities. It also aims at utilizing rigorous, comprehensive, and real-time data to inform humanitarian programming in response to COVID-19 in the short- and medium-term and to enhance preparedness to respond to future crises. 

    Read more about the study here

    Research Timeline: 2020-2022



    Too Much too Mask: Determinants of Sustained Adherence to COVID-19 Preventive Measures among Older Syrian Refugees in Lebanon 




    Interactive dashboards were created by the research team 

    ​showcasing the study's insights in an interactive way

    Vulnerability of Syrian Refugees During COVID-19 in Lebanon​











    Food and Water Insecurities are predictors of Noncommunicable Disease Management and Poor Mental Health in Older Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: A Cross-Sectional Analysis 




    • Dr. Sawsan Abdulrahim (PI), Professor, Department of Health Promotion and Community Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, AUB​
    • Dr. Hala Ghattas (co-PI), Associate Professor, CRPH, AUB
    • Dr. Stephen McCall (co-PI), Assistant Professor, CRPH, AUB​​​​

    Rese​​arch Team

    • Dr. Nisreen Salti, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, AUB​
    • Dr. Abla Sibai, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, FHS, AUB
    • Dr. Monique Chaaya​, Professor and Chair, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, FHS, AUB
    • Berthe Abi Zeid, Research Assistant, CRPH​​, AUB
    • Noura Salibi, Research Assistant, CRPH, AUB
    • Tanya El Khoury, Research Assistant, CRPH, AUB​

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