The Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology (Middle East J. Anesth), commonly known as MEJA, was first published in June 1966. It received
its International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 0544-0440) in 1981. MEJA was licensed by the Lebanese Ministry of Information Decision
No. 84 that was published in the Lebanese Official Gazette No.22 in 28/5/1992. MEJA was accepted for inclusion in the Index Medicus and
MEDLARS databases in 1976.
The Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology was first published in June 1966 by Dr. Bernard Brandstater, Chairman and Professor in the
Department of Anesthesiology at the American University of Beirut – Medical Center and School of Medicine. Dr. Brandstater assumed the
role of the first Editor-in-Chief of the journal and gave it the famous motto “For some must watch, while some must sleep” (Hamlet – Act III,
Sc. Ii). He also chose its symbol, the poppy flower (Papaver Somniferum), because the poppy flower was first cultivated in the Middle East
and has given a unique service to the suffering of humankind for thousands of years. The journal is a non-profit publication of the Department
of Anesthesiology at the American University of Beirut and is managed by volunteer staff from the department.
MEJA is an open peer-reviewed journal published three times a year (February, June, and October) and has an Editorial Executive Committee consisting of faculty members
from the department in addition to consultant editors from various parts of the world. MEJA has a worldwide circulation and was made
available electronically since 2008.
The main objective of the journal is to act as a forum for publication, education, and exchange of opinions by promoting basic science and
clinical research publications in the field of Anesthesiology.
MEJA has followed a policy to dedicate total issues for regions in the Middle East. To date, 17 regional issues have been published: Iran (June,
1969), Egypt (June, 1970), Lebanon I (February, 1971), Syria (October, 1971), Turkey (June, 1973), Saudi Arabia I (February, 1979), USA I
(October, 1979), Lebanon II (February, 1984), Saudi Arabia II (June, 1985), USA II (February, 1986), Qatar (October, 1986), Jordan I (June,
1987), Jordan II (October, 1988), Saudi Arabia III (October, 1993), Saudi Arabia IV (February, 1999), Lebanon III (February, 2004).
It is important to recognize the February and June issues of 1983 that were dedicated to the experiences of the American University of Beirut
– Medical Center staff during the tragic Lebanese war. These two issues also inaugurated the new cover design that uses the name of the
journal and its symbol the poppy flower depicted in the colors of the Lebanese national flag. Furthermore, to celebrate the arrival of the third
millennium (Year 2000), a special issue on the history of anesthesia in the Middle East was published (Vol. 15, No.4, February 2000). With
increased awareness and challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a special issue was dedicated (Vol. 27, No. 2, June 2020).
The Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology gained a posture of excellence as evidenced by the “Book Review”, which appeared in the
journal Anesthesia & Analgesia (Volume 63, p. 704-708, 1984) in which Dr. Nicholas Green, Professor and Chairman of the Department of
Anesthesiology at Yale University School of Medicine, USA while describing MEJA wrote “…this journal has consistently proven to be one
of the most interesting and educationally rewarding of the 30 or so regional journals about anesthesiology published throughout the world…”.
Dr. Marie Aouad-Maroun
Professor and Chairman
Department of Anesthesiology
American University of Beirut
Tel: 00961-1-350-000 Ext: 6380
Consultant Editors
Dr. Abdulaziz Boker Professor and Chairman
Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine
King Abdulaziz University Hospital
King Abdulaziz University
Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00966-2-6401000, Ext: 10209 | Dr. Islam Massad
Professor and Chairman Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care University of Jordan/Jordan University Hospital Amman, JORDAN Tel: 00962-6-5353666, Ext: 2383 |
Dr. Patricia Yazbeck Professor and head of the Academic Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Hotel-Dieu de France University Hospital Beirut, LEBANON Tel: 961-1-615 300, Ext: 8941
Dr. Vanda Abi Raad Clinical professor Department of Anesthesiology Lebanese American University Beirut, LEBANON Tel: 00961-1-786456, Ext: 2991
Managing Editor
Dr. Mohamad El-Khatib
Department of Anesthesiology
American University of Beirut
Tel: 00961-1-350-000 Ext: 5315
Honorary Editors
Dr. Assem Abdel Razik Cairo, Egypt
Dr. Bassam Barzangi Baghdad, Iraq
Dr. Izdiyad Badran Amman, Jordan
Dr. Dhafir Al-Khudairi Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Mohammad Seraj Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Abdul-Hamid Samarkandi Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Mohamad Takrouri Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Mohamad Salah BenAmmar Tunisia, Tunisia
Executive Editors
Dr. Sahar Siddik-Sayyid Professor
Department of Anesthesiology American University of Beirut Beirut, LEBANON Tel: 00961-1-350000 Ext: 6380
Dr. Nancy Abou Nafeh Instructor
Department of Anesthesiology American University of Beirut Beirut, LEBANON
Tel: 00961-1-350000 Ext: 6380 |
Founding Editor
Dr. Bernard Brandstater
Assistant Managing Editor and Webmaster
Ms. Thouraya HajAli