Kindly follow the below criteria for the Abstract Submission:
- Names
of authors: All co-investigators should be listed using full last name
and first name. Last name should be capitalized. The principal
investigator should be identified with an asterisk and the presenter's
name underlined.
- Affiliation by institution and country
of principal investigator and presenter. Example: WARD Paul, HAMAD
Sami, KAWA Nancy*, RAMI Sani Dr. Ward: University of Cedars, Lebanon Dr.
Kawa: University of Palms at Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
- Body
text: Text should be structured in three clear paragraphs: Background /
Methods and Results / Conclusion. Total text should not exceed 200
- Kindly include answers for the below questions:
- Did the research involve human subjects, including review of existing records/material? ___Yes ____No
- If you answered YES to Question 1, was IRB approval granted for the study? ___Yes ____No
- Approving Institution: AUB Other(name) PI name:
If you have any inquiries please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Bilal Al Mohtar - or 01 - 350 000 ext. 4752