Program Overview
The Sixth Middle East Lung Cancer Congress is a platform for discussing recent advances in understanding the pathophysiology and treatment of lung cancer. It is aimed at enhancing multidisciplinary collaboration between various specialties involved in the care of lung cancer patients.
At the end of the congress, attendees will be able to:
- Provide a multidisciplinary (MDT) approach to patients with lung cancer that involves the pathologists, pulmonologist, thoracic surgeon as well as Medical Oncologist; MDT is the new standard of approach and this conference aims on showing the benefit of this approach.
- Discuss recent advances in lung cancer therapy for both Non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer
- Describe recent therapies mechanism of action and toxicities in new treatment modalities such as immunotherapy.
Target Audience
This conference invites Oncologists, Surgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Pulmonologists, Radiologists, Academic scientists, Nurses, Pharmacists, Chemo therapists, Industry professionals, Heads of the departments, Directors, Clinical Professionals, Young researchers, Postgraduates, Trainees and above all Lung cancer Researchers.