American University of Beirut

Professional Service Activities

  • Core-Curriculum: It is one of the conferences held by the Department. Faculty staff members who are experts in their field give didactic sessions that cover commonly encountered issues
  • Grand Rounds: PGY II, PGY III and PGY IV residents present Neurology Grand Rounds introducing principles of evidence-based medicine through the use of a case-based presentation and topic overviews or through recently published articles.
  • Morbidity and Mortality: A case, with an adverse outcome or death, is discussed and thoroughly reviewed.  The chief resident is asked to identify system-errors and propose a plan for improvement.  Some of those cases are selected for the Mortality and Morbidity conferences.  During the presentation, gaps in patient care are identified and the discussion focuses on how care could have been improved. It is held every 3 months.
  • Board Review: They are led by the PGY IV's or one faculty member.  These sessions serve as a preparation for the In-service training examination (RITE).  They are designed for Neurologists as a comprehensive review of Neurology.
  • Neuroscience Reading club: They are led by the PGY IV residents who provide basic neuroscience lectures regarding various neuroanatomy, CNS connection pathways and neurologic diseases.
  • Morning Report: Residents on the ward and consult services are asked to present two morning reports every week.  They are held in the presence of the ward and consult service attendings. This is an interactive discussion where the resident presents a case with full description of the history, neurological exam and the appropriate management. 
  • Epilepsy Journal Club: PGY II, PGY III and PGY IV residents will provide a formal critical review over journal article emphasizing methods and statistical analysis and discuss its implications for practice.
  • Multiple Sclerosis Conference: Residents attend a weekly MS conference presented by the MS research fellows, MS fellow and MS Pharmacist. 

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