American University of Beirut

Division of Vascular Surgery


The mission of the Division of Vascular Surgery is in alignment with the mission of the Department of Surgery, with a focus on providing state-of-the-art clinical care including endovascular therapy, education and research.


The Division of Vascular Surgery is currently headed by Dr. Fady Haddad and comprises 3 expert faculty members. The division is the leading center in the region for the comprehensive treatment and management of a wide spectrum of vascular diseases with advanced open and endovascular procedures with excellent outcomes.

There are no specialty residents. General surgery residents rotate in the division during their third year of training.

The division offers a 2-year fellowship program in vascular surgery.​


Services provided by the division include: cerebrovascular, abdominal aortic, peripheral arterial and venous reconstructions. In addition, the division has been very active in revascularization procedures for salvage of the diabetic foot. In collaboration with the division of orthopedics and plastic surgery, foot salvage procedures utilizing soft tissue transfer based on arteriovenous vascular pedicle has expanded the horizon of salvaging threatened diabetic feet.

Since 1995 minimally invasive endovascular surgery was introduced by Dr. Fady Haddad and since then and with Dr. Jamal Hoballah joining the department, the division has become very active in this field. We have established in the operating room an interventional capability after purchasing a Siemens Arcadis C-arm and a specialized operating room vascular table.

In addition, the division covers a very active state of the art non-invasive vascular laboratory.​

  • Invasive Procedures performed in the Operating Room and the Radiology Department
  • Noninvasive testing performed at the Ismail Khalil Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory including tests for:
    • Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
      • Doppler arterial exams of the legs or arms (Physiologic testing)
      • Duplex ultrasound scan of the extremity arteries
      • Digital pressures with PPG
    • Cerebrovascular Disease
      • Carotid artery duplex scan
      • Transcranial Doppler (TCD) allows the assessment of the location and extent of occlusions or atheromatous plaques in extracranial carotid and large intracranial vessels, including the middle cerebral and basilar arteries cerebral vasospasm.
    • Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)
      • Venous duplex scan of the arms or legs
    • Chronic Venous Disease
      • Duplex scan of the venous valves
    • Aortic Aneurysms: A ballooning of the major artery that can cause fatal rupture
      • Aortic Duplex Scan
      • Duplex scan of peripheral arteries for aneurysms
    • Other specialized examinations
      • Vein “mapping" for peripheral vascular or coronary bypass
      • Penile pressure
      • Internal jugular vein and central venous patency
      • TCPO2 (Transcutaneous oxygen pressure measurements
      • Many of these tests can also be used to measure the effect and success of treatments. Testing after vascular surgery procedures can determine if the vessel has been restored to normal or measure the magnitude of improvement in the flow.

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