Definition of Post Covid Syndrome
Post-COVID Syndrome: Signs and symptoms that develop during or following an infection consistent with COVID which continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis.
Mild COVID Infection: COVID infection with no or mild symptoms and did not require oxygen supplement during the acute phase
Moderate COVID Infection: Acute COVID infection required hospitalization in a regular ward and/or oxygen supplements < 10 liters per minutes by nasal prongs or facemask
Severe/Critical COVID Infection: Acute COVID infection required hospitalization in intensive care unit, high oxygen requirements (≥10L/min), non-rebreather mask, high flow nasal cannula, non-invasive or invasive mechanical ventilation.
Post Covid Care Services
PCCC will provide comprehensive multidisciplinary services that include:
- Comprehensive medical evaluation and management of the pulmonary and extrapulmonary symptoms, including assessment of quality of life and functional status using standardized validated tools.
- Long-term standardized follow up of patients with persistent symptoms through regular clinical reassessment, serial evaluation of the pulmonary functions (pulmonary function tests, six-minute walk test, and respiratory muscle evaluation) and follow up investigations (blood test, serologies, CT scans, echocardiography, etc.)
- Screening for need of physical and respiratory rehabilitation and referral as needed
- Screening for psychosocial disorders (anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc.) and referral to psychiatrist/psychologist as needed
- Nutritional assessment and education
- Patient education (breathing exercises, home oxygen management, nutrition, etc.)
Target Population
All patients who recovered from COVID are eligible to be referred and evaluated in PCCC.
However, the main populations of interest are
- Post-COVID survivors hospitalized with moderate to severe disease, especially those who required intensive care unit management.
- Non-hospitalized Post-COVID survivors with persistent symptoms (Post COVID Syndrome)
- Post-COVID survivors with established pre-existing lung disease.