This research area focuses on policy, refugees, and conflict resolution. It tackles questions related to the interplay between artificial intelligence and human rights, the analysis of hate speech in social media, and macroeconomics
Below is a list of selected faculty members who conduct research relevant to this area
Charles Harb
Classification of hate speech in Tunisian Twittersphere. -
Fadi Zaraket
Developing novel automated reasoning resources and techniques applied to to problems in program correctness and language understanding. -
Fatima Abu Salem
Aadvanced machine learning techniques for fake news detection and political discourse analysis in Lebanese media corpora. -
Hazem Hajj
Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Models for Linguistics and Social Analytics, including sentiment analysis. Special emphasis on Arabic Models. -
Joseph Bahout
AI and public policy. -
Mariette Awad
Fairness and Bias in AI models, Humanitarian computing. -
Rabih Maalouf
Artificial intelligence and human rights -
Sara Najem
Statistical models of refugees' mobility. -
Shady Elbassuoni
Fairness in algorithmic decision making and crowdsourcing.
Sumru Guler Altug
Newspaper and media searches for words signifying uncertainty.
Wael Khreich
Automatic detection of Hate speech in text.