IFI's Climate Change and Environment Program is pleased to share the findings of its “ACT SMART" project completed in partnership with BeryTech and the Government of the Netherlands. A team including Nadim Farajalla, Marc Ayoub, Hadil Bourgi, Rana El Hajj, Nisrine El Hougeiri, Georges Gharios, Maya Mhanna and Celine Yazbek worked for nearly a year to assess the enabling environment for innovation in Cleantech in the Energy, Water, Solid Waste, and WEF NEXUS sectors. The purpose of these assessments was to strengthen business advancement and job creation in the Agri-food and Cleantech Sectors in Lebanon.
The findings and results of the assessments were developed into four separate reports and infographics as follows:
1. Enabling Environment for Innovation in Cleantech – Water Sector
The report reflects the water sector value chain, the number of employees of companies operating in the water sector compared to those of other Cleantech Sectors, stakeholders working in the sector, and companies involved in innovation. It also presents proposed solutions to create an enabling environment for SMEs in the Water Sector.
Read the full report here and access the infographic here.
2. Enabling Environment for Innovation in Cleantech – Solid Waste Sector
The report shows the evolution of municipal solid waste management practices in Lebanon, the quantities of waste generated as well as the municipal waste composition in the country. It also presents an analysis of the sector's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Read the full report here and access the infographic here.
3. Enabling Environment for Innovation in Cleantech – Energy Sector
The report maps the Energy SMEs' Distribution across Lebanon, the areas of activities, and business types. It reflects the different components of Clean Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Energy Storage and presents recommended low-cost actions.
Read the full report here and access the infographic here.
4. Enabling Environment for Innovation in Cleantech – WEF NEXUS Sector
The report reflects the key components of the Cleantech Industry and the Cleantech specific innovation drivers. It also presents Lebanon's score in different business indicators compared to MENA countries.
Read the full report here and access the infographic here.