Inaugurated in 2006, the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut (IFI) is an independent, research-based, policy-oriented institute. It aims to initiate and develop policy-relevant research in and about the Arab world.
The Institute aims at bridging the gap between academia and policymaking by conducting high quality research on the complex issues and challenges faced by Lebanese and Arab societies within shifting international and global contexts, by generating evidence-based policy recommendations and solutions for Lebanon and the Arab world, and by creating an intellectual space for an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas among researchers, scholars, civil society actors, media, and policy makers.
- To be impactful by informing policy-making processes and influencing the public debate on questions we address;
- To be innovative by exploring state of the art research methodologies and new ways for research dissemination;
- To be responsive to the emerging policy needs in Lebanon and the Arab world by attracting talented scholars and practitioners and building an agile organization.
- To generate knowledge by producing a variety of research publications, organizing events, engaging the public through traditional and social media in order to influence policymaking in Lebanon and the region;
- To engage with stakeholders and thought leaders in order to inform and impact policymaking;
- To convene and establish a growing and diverse network of affiliates, AUB faculty and other scholars to enrich the debate and develop in-depth analysis on relevant policy issues.
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- Meet our experts here.
- Know more about our upcoming events here.
- Check our research programs here.